07 June 2010

I am in shock as I realise just how sick my mother is

I really cant believe my mother is this sick, to call the police and purposely lie to them about her own daughter, in order to sacrifice her!

Every time the police have come here, my mother tells them that I scream and yell for no reason and they don't know why and it's really hard for them to have to put up with a mentally unwell daughter. Then she tells me she didn't say anything to the police at all. Oh man, I cant believe my own mother would lie so outright like that to everyone, especially me.

It's just sickening.

I finally realised just how sick my mother is today when she again lied to the police when she called them, telling them that I was yelling and screaming and upsetting everyone. Again a lie. And when I told the police officer on the phone what really happened (ie the truth), my mother kept saying, "She's lying, she's lying".  My parents have two phones, so I took the other phone and spoke into it to give them the truth.

I just cant believe how far her lies and delusions go, but obviously very far indeed!

And if I didn't have the videotape evidence of my brother yelling abuse at me, my step-father trying to throw forks and books at me and my mother forcibly trying to grab my phone, with all three of them yelling at me, telling me I am sick and an idiot - then the three of them would have again lied to the police and told them I was yelling and screaming at them and they felt defenceless against me! That's just unbelievable how much all of them lie. Then they would have convinced the police that I was sick in the head (like they did the other times) and as the three of them stand united with the same story, it makes it believable, so the police think I am the issue. And that is totally not reality. Thank goodness this time I videotaped it all so that there was could be no confusion about what really happened. And that is why the police believed me and told me I needed to get the hell away from these people, as it wasn't safe for me here.

I simply cannot fathom how a mother can betray her daughter like this. It's just unbelievable that she would do anything to protect herself, her son and her partner and lie and betray me over and over again. It's simply disgusting!

My mother called the police to try to get me arrested

During the fight tonight, my mother called the police because she thought that she would tell them lies (yet again) and they would believe her, so that she could get me locked up or taken to the mental ward! What a freaking mother!

She didn't think that the video I took with all of them threatening me, yelling at me, trying to throw things at me and trying to forcibly take my phone from me would count for anything. She thought that she could lie like she normally did to the police and they would just believe her.

When she was on the phone to the police, she told them that I started yelling and screaming at them, going ballistic and crazy and she didn't know why. I then took the other handset and told the guy that it wasn't the case, that I took a photo of my brother, he went ballistic at me, then I videotaped his reaction and they all went ballistic at me - in other words, the truth! My mother kept interrupting me to say, "she's lying" and the guy obviously believed me because I told him I had videotape that I would show the officers of them all three abusing me.

Three police officers came here and one female officer came with me to the sun room to talk. I told her what happened and then another male officer came and I showed them the video tapes and they heard it all. This time the police believed me. I also told them that every time the police came here before, the three of them (mother, step-father, brother), all lied to the police and kept on saying that I was just crying and screaming at the for no reason, telling the police that I was nuts, lying through their teeth. The police officer understood, he said that it was reasonable that the police attending would believe the three of them against me, because I had no proof otherwise and there was three of them. But since this time I had proof, at least I could back up what I was saying, that it was them who were volatile, violent and abusive and that was the reason why I was crying.

The police officers told me that I needed to get away from this situation, that it wasn't healthy or safe for me, given that they saw the video of the idiot family I have. They also told me that if I needed to call them again, they would come.

They also said that normally people didn't videotape their families and I agreed, but he totally understood why I was doing it. I did tell them that after my brother attacked me last year and each subsequent visit by police officers was a situation of my family lying about what was going on, that I had to use the video to prove what was going on. He understood.

Thank God!

They will now write up at the police station, the outcome - me being abused and that it's the three of them who are the aggressive abusers - which means if they are called again, I can tell the police to look up this job and to watch the video so they can see it's them. They may even get arrested next time!

After the police left, my family were so upset that they got chastised by the police, that the video evidence was irrefutable proof that they were abusing me and that their lies didn't work this time. My brother and mother were angry and yelling in the kitchen about me, trying to devised other ways to "punish" me for letting the police know the truth, because their little plan to have me committed didn't work.

What an awful, horrendous family I have! What assholes they are!

More violence and abuse tonight

What a horrid evening I have had this evening!

Earlier tonight, the three of them (mother, step-father and brother) were having dinner and I was about to go to my bedroom to watch television when I heard the television was still on in LayZ boy's room. I went back into the kitchen to tell my mother and step-father that his television was on and that they seemed to have two rules - one for them and one for me. They yell and scream at me if I leave the TV on for just a moment while I go out of the room (of course I am coming back), but when it comes to them, they can leave a TV on for hours in another room and that's okay. They just told me to get lost.

So I went to my bedroom to get my mobile phone which has a good camera, to take a picture of the idiot brother LayZ boy and he just started yelling at me, calling me a "mental loser", so I started videotaping it all. My step-father then started going ballistic, as did my mother. My step-father tried to throw things at me, but my mother and brother LayZ boy stopped him (he had a knife at one point and was threatening to throw it at me and I was videotaping everything). My mother came towards me to try to take my phone away from me, as did my step-father. My brother kept threatening me, telling me that if he stood up and had to stop me videotaping, then there would be trouble. I kept videotaping everything they said and did - and they did a lot of vulgar, horrible stuff, threatening me non-stop. My mother grabbed my arm trying to get my phone away - I think I have bruises from the violent way she took hold of me, while she was yelling and screaming at me.

The three of them were like wild animals. Finally I caught them in their sick mental behaviour and they did not like it one bit. They kept saying I was sick in the head - yeah me, I don't think so! It's the three of them who are the mentally unwell ones. They just keep on with the violence and abuse and think I "asked for it".

These people are not normal. They act ballistic and mental because I took a photo of my brother and then videotaped his reaction. That was all it took for them to start abusing me!

The photo that I posted here is the one that caused all the problems with them. You cant even see my brother LayZ boy's face, so it's not like he is recognisable. They're just abusive, volatile, violent people who just want to treat me like shit and think it's okay to do so. They're just horrible!