26 July 2010

Very strange dreams prior to and after interview

I have been having such weird dreams lately.

About two days before my interview last week, I dreamt that I had humongous fake breasts like Pamela Anderson's and that I had a really low-cut top on which exposed a lot of my cleavage and I had my jacket undone because it wouldn't accommodate those plastic appendages.

I was also waiting for a train, at I think Redfern station, a little confused about which train I should catch and what time it was coming. I also wasn't sure if I just missed the train or not. I felt very exposed with those huge plastic breasts and couldn't understand why I would have worn something so revealing to a job interview for  a corporate role.


The next dream that I remembered, happened about two days after the interview last week and I was dreaming that I was singing for some friends and was doing it really well. I was hitting the high notes perfectly, as well as all the low notes too.

I know that dream occurred because I am thinking about doing some singing. I can sing and I have a wide range and I have really wanted to do something with it, some day!

Another job interview last week

I had another job interview last week. Again in IT, which is my area of expertise.

The panel who were interviewing me seemed really nice and the interview went well. I answered all their questions quite well I thought and they were giving me positive reinforcement by telling me that I answered their next question while also answering the present question. So that is always a good sign.

They also said I had an "impressive resume" with great skills. That was nice feedback to receive.

It seemed to me that they thought I would be a great applicant, but may be a little over-qualified for the role and could be bored. It was not said out loud, but implied by the way they phrased a question to me.  I am not so sure I sold myself enough to dispel any concerns they had.

I don't know what is going on at the moment. I don't get too nervous prior to interviews. I talk really well when I am being interviewed and answer questions appropriately and yet I am deemed over-qualified. What to do?

They told me they would decide soon, so I guess I will hear about it some time this week, whether or not I got the job. I am not too hopeful.