08 July 2010

Tooth and gum around it hurts today

I know it was expected, but that still doesn't ameliorate the pain!

The tooth that had the root canal work done on it yesterday is hurting me today, as is the area in the gum above it and to the side of it.

The pain in the gum area is the worst. It's like this hot, searing pain and if anything touches it (like a bit of food), it hurts even more. In general and most of the time, there is a dull ache type of pain, which gets worse when anything puts pressure on that part of the gum - even me smiling or moving my mouth a certain way will do it. Yikes!

Damn, it's annoying.

Nothing much I can do about it, other than take some painkillers and I don't have any. I may get some tomorrow if the pain is still bad.

It was hurting a little last night and earlier today, but has seemed to get worse this evening after I ate dinner. Maybe it was the act of eating food, moving my facial/jaw muscles around (even though I was careful not to eat on the side of my mouth where the tooth is located), that has irritated the tooth and gum around it.

The same thing happened after the first part of the root canal treatment, so maybe that's all it is - the tooth is a little traumatised from all the drilling work done into its very roots and is inflamed now and it will take a few days for it to get feel normal again.

If it still hurts this much tomorrow, I may also call the dentist to ask them what I can do about it - they're probably the best people to ask, as they would know why it would be reacting this way and whether or not it was normal.

LayZ boy is in a manic mood again

My brother LayZ boy is in a manic mood, yet again and it's not even Monday, so that he can excuse it on "Manic Monday-itis"!

He is in his bedroom, banging things really loudly, jumping up and down on the wooden floors, making a lot of noise!

And every time he leaves his room, he starts talking to himself as he runs down the hallway to get to the kitchen or he bangs the doors loudly as he opens and closes them to get outside to have a cigarette.

Neither of the parents are at home so he has no-one to talk to, no-one to ramble on his incoherent ramblings with, so he talks to himself and makes as much noise as he can because he needs to make himself be heard. Yet, I still ignore him, wherever I am (usually in my bedroom), but he still continues, probably because he has no ability to control his actions.

I do think he has manic depression (bipolar disorder), with his wild mood swings, manic behaviour, which is then coupled with his low mood and inability to talk much to anyone, cloistering himself in his room and ignoring even his bosom buddy, his equally deluded mother.

Update: Actually, after a full hour of his manic behaviour (banging things loudly, jumping up and down in his room, running up and down the hallways, talking to himself), LayZ boy has finally calmed down and is no longer in his manic mood. He's such a weirdo!