15 May 2010

Toothache a little better today than yesterday, but still painful

Amazingly I did manage to get to sleep last night without too much trouble. The whole cloves I used in my mouth did have a good effect, by numbing the gum and tooth area somewhat, enough to stop the worst of the pain. So this enabled my body to relax enough to be able to get to sleep.

Today, I had a bit of pain again when I woke this morning, so I used two more cloves in my mouth near the poor chipped tooth and that seemed to dissipate the pain to an extent where it was bearable, to not hurting at all.

Now, this evening, I am pretty much free of any severe pain, so that is wonderful. The pain is unbearable when it starts hurting, so to be free of it is really great. It is a really sharp undulating pain that comes and goes, but when it comes, man does it hurt a lot. It seems like my whole jaw is in pain.

I really have to find a dentist next week, to refill the hole and probably put a porcelain crown on it, as it needs to be strengthened. Maybe it will need a porcelain onlay or inlay, then the crown. Will have to find out from the dentist.

Sweet foods (chocolate or even hot tea with sugar) make the pain so much worse. Vegetables and fruit, legumes and other natural produce don't produce that much pain at all. My diet is pretty good anyway, my only indulgence is organic or European chocolate, which I now cant eat for a little while, so it wont be difficult to manage. I just cant handle the pain so whatever it takes to prevent it will be done. I also have to eat food on the left side of my mouth because I cannot chew anything on the right side, where the chipped tooth is, at the top jaw.

The constantly lying mother who has no self-awareness

Today, my mother asked me for the car keys for my step-father's as she claimed she didn't have another set and needed to take the car, as my step-father took her car to run his errands. Of course she was lying, because he has another set of keys, which she could have taken, but she just wanted to take the keys from me legitimately this time, as she thought she would not sneak in my bedroom to look through my handbag to take the keys furtively without my knowledge.

I asked her if she would give me the keys back when she returned and she said she would, but I didn't believe her. I told her, that "I'll believe it when I see it, when you return back to see if you actually are telling me the truth."

Around dinner time, I asked her where the car keys were and her response was: "They're my keys, not yours."  So, basically, I was right, she lied to get the keys from me because I told her I wouldn't be paying for all of the registration costs for a car I don't own.

She just cannot stop lying. And then she has to justify her lies with more lies.

She then told me they "gave" my brother, LayZ boy their old van and as he didn't have enough money (he never does) to register it immediately, he had to do so after three weeks. I asked her how she could use that as an example when my step-father's car is not in my name - it's not my car. She realised she couldn't win with that angle, because there was absolutely no bearing on the discussion, she didn't say anything, probably thinking about what else she could try to justify herself. She continued to tell me I had to pay for registration costs if I wanted to drive it and I continued to tell her to forget about it.

She then went to the sun room, in a rage, to bitch and complain about me to my step-father. And when I told her to stop bitching about me, she proceeds to tell me that, "your step-father asked me why we were arguing and I had to tell him". Again lying. She purposely walked in there to complain about me and she started bitching about me to him, without any prompting from him.

She came back into the kitchen, where I was preparing some vegetables to roast and continued to complain to me about the car. I kept telling her she outright lied to me, then she went to bitch about me behind my back to my step-father to inflame him even more, as she knows he will be nasty and say all sorts of things to me. She didn't like that because of course I was calling her out on her lies.  She also told me I had no right to have the keys - when she gave to them and told me to take them before. Now she decides to rescind that, by lying about it. If she was honest and asked me for the keys honestly, I would give them to her. They're not my keys, it's not my car and I only drive it when I have permission to do so. I don't just forcibly take the keys!

Then, like a nutcase, she tries to put her arms around me and tell me, "mummy still loves you" like I am a recalcitrant 5-year old child that needs pacifying! I told her to leave me alone, that I did not want her touching me when she was just bitching about me less than a minute ago. How insane is this woman! And before I walked out of the room I told her that with a family like mine, I certainly did not need enemies. Her face changed to deep concern when I said that because something must have reached inside through her delusions to make her realise just what a bitch she is being to me.

The hypocrisy of this family is unbelievable

Yesterday, my mother had the audacity to tell me she "had" to use my computer because she needed to access the Internet to do some searches - she told me she had a number of searches she needed to do to find some items she was researching and that I needed to let her use it.

Yes that's right, she didn't ask, she told me that she had to use it, like I had no choice in the matter at all. Un-fucken-believable!

I told her I was busy right at that moment, so she again told me to let her know when the computer was free so she could use the Internet.

Of course I wasn't happy about this. She wont let me use her car, but expects to use my computer for hours to do some searches for some things she needs to find. What hypocrisy that is!

Earlier, when I asked her if I could use one of the cars to get to the post office to pay a bill, she told me that I had to pay for all of the registration costs before I would get the car. I told her that was not fair for me to pay for the whole of the registration costs when (a) it is not my car, not in my name and (b) I don't drive it every day and (c) I have to ask them when I can use it, because they have first right to it.

After a little while, I went to the kitchen, where she was washing dishes to confront her about this hypocrisy. I asked her how did it work for her to the use the Internet on my computer, when she wouldn't even let me use the car to make a trip to the local post office, which is only a few minutes drive away from their house.

Her answer: "It's different. The computer is nothing and the car costs money."

Oh. My. God. Her flagrant hypocrisy in unbelievable!

Everything is "different" when it comes to her. She has one set of rules for her and one set of rules for everyone else and then another set of rules for me!

I pay money for electricity and I pay money for Internet costs each month (which no-one else contributes any costs), so the computer is not free and it's not different. And besides which, if you ask someone permission to use their property, you are basically asking them to do you a favour. Now when you wont return the favour by refusing their request, how is that fair? That is not fair at all!

I told her that I wouldn't be giving her access to my computer and I would be taking the bus, which I did.