07 July 2010

New job to apply for - filling in selection criteria

While I am not that disappointed in not getting that job I applied for last week, I am more motivated now to try to find another role somewhere, just so that I can have a higher cash injection and be able to afford my own abode.

One of the recruitment agencies I am in contact with yesterday afternoon sent me another role which they think I would be a suitable candidate and it requires the completion of a number selection criteria as the role is longer term. It's no issue for me, as I know how to answer the questions as they are related to my skills.

I'll get to it this evening and then refine it, along with honing up my resume so that it highlights the skills that I have which are relevant for this role (not exaggeration, just ensuring that the work skills I have are more prominent in my resume).

Second part of root canal done

Today I had to be at the dentist for two hours, while he completed the second part of the root canal on my upper molar. I saw the other dentist in the practice, as he is more experienced in root canal procedures.

The dentist wanted to give me the anaesthetic needle without giving me a topical anaesthetic first, but I wasn't prepared for that and I asked for it and he obliged. He put the needle with the anaesthetic very slowly and steadily and I felt nothing while he was inserting it into my gum. Sometimes I have felt pain when the needle goes in, but this time was pretty good.

He had to remove the temporary filling and other material that the first dentist used and then file away the three chambers where the root of the tooth was formerly housed (which got infected and inflamed previously and had to be removed in the first appointment.

He used some interesting drills, which were whirring away slowly, aimed I guess, at removing any pulp and other diseased material in the chambers.

The root chambers of the tooth were cleaned out - when he first took out the temporary filling, it smelt of decay and wasn't pleasant, but it was not nearly as bad as when I had the first part of the root canal. Cleaning out the root chambers ensured that all decayed (and useless) material was removed and this means it should be good.

Once the root chambers were all cleaned out, dry and ready, he added a filling to the tooth.

I have to get a porcelain crown on the tooth, to strengthen it, but not yet - in a few months.

He also told me that the tooth would be a little sore for the next 4-5 days, due to the work that was done on it today, but it would settle down. I started to feel a slight bit of discomfort, very slightly just at the end of the treatment, when he was affixing the filling and the drill bit touched the side of my tooth for a fraction of a second, but it wasn't painful by any means, it just felt like brief uncomfortable pressure.

I am so glad to have finally found a dental practice which takes my pain sensations seriously and anaesthetises my nerves so that I don't feel pain.  And, their assistants are really lovely and unjudgemental. It's nice to finally find a dentist practice like that!

I didn't even get really scared or freaked out about the dental appointment today, whereas normally, for a few days prior to a dental appointment, I start stressing quite a lot. So that, says a lot about these two dentists - they really are patient and caring and listen to their patients!

I have finally found a dentist I can trust and who I can go to on a regular basis for maintaining the health of my teeth.

Didnt get the job - damn

I just found out today that I was "unsuccessful" after my interview for the IT-related job last week. Damn!

While the job did not seem that it was going to be that interesting (they told me it was going to be a lot of "cutting and pasting" and tedious, yet very frantic, busy work), it still meant a huge injection of cash! Damn!

Either I messed up in the interview - I gave them a response about where I didn't do well in the past, but didn't give them a positive outcome for it (stupid I know!) - or my skills made me way overqualified for the role (I have a lot more to offer than just "cutting and pasting") and maybe they thought I would be very bored in a role like this when I usually worked in more senior roles. Or, it could have been a combination of both those reasons.

I have no idea what possessed me to talk about that one negative point without providing a positive outcome. Maybe, after realising the job would be totally boring, I did it subconsciously.

Whatever it was, it was disappointing because of the money factor. Would have solved many of my issues - could have moved away from the house of the lunatic more quickly.

In any case, there is another role which I am going to apply tomorrow, it's of a much longer duration (the one I didn't get was only for four months) and probably paid better. Here's hoping! Keeping my fingers crossed that I at least get an interview, so that I can try to get it - and I certainly wont be talking about my negative points in any interview again. I intend to talk myself up really well!