08 June 2010

My family are so pissed off at me today

All morning my step-father could be heard yelling and slamming doors. My step-father and mother were arguing quite a lot. Couldn't hear my brother, but I am sure he was adding his viciousness to the argument whenever he could because that's his style.

When I came out of my bedroom, my mother was just pissed off at me.

I was in the kitchen and turned around slightly to see how had just come into the kitchen, because I needed to know how much I needed to brace myself for the abuse that would follow.

My mother said, in a very angry, bitter way, "why are you looking around? It's only me," as if she was offended that I turned around to see who came into the kitchen.

Then she started. In a very nasty, mean, derogatory way to talk at me:

"I don't know why you had to tell the police what goes on in this house."
Right, so because I told the truth and I had proof of the truth, she couldn't get her lies to be believed and she did not like that one bit.
"Look at you, all you do is sleep."
Again, I am still sick, still not 100% well, nose is totally blocked, cant smell, am still coughing a lot, feel very lethargic today, but of course she never gets concerned about me, because it's all about her!
This house is disgusting, so dusty and unclean. I'm (not we) breathing in this dust and dirt. It's just filthy and dirty.
So how is that my fault? Oh that's right, I was sick in bed for 10 days and they couldn't vacuum, therefore its my fault they couldn't vacuum because I was sick! Yes, so logical - not!
It's your fault your step-father's blood pressure rose last night - he could die and it'll be your fault
That came not just from my mother, but also from my brother. Right, so because he is volatile, has no impulse control, has a violent temper and wants to hit me, it's my fault? Of course it is. It's not his own responsibility to control his temper, it's my fault. And yeah, put the guilt trip on me and make it all about me yet again!  (I forgot to add this last point when I posted this before)

And on and on like that she kept talking.

I was toasting some fruit and nut bread and in order not to listen to her, I started coughing louder and walked out of the kitchen to take the water into my room, trying not to listen to her.

I came back and turned off the toaster and grabbed my toast and went to my room. But not before she yelled at me that I had to leave the house tomorrow at 10am so they could vacuum it. Because you see, they have a schedule to meet, they have to do it in the morning, otherwise they will explode in frustration! Such idiots.

I just ignored her the whole time. What is there to say? You cant reason with unreasonable people who just use you as their scapegoat to abuse.