13 May 2010

Really dizzy and nauseous tonight

Ugh! I have been feeling more and more nauseous and dizzy this evening. And I just don't have much of an appetite, other than for fresh vegetables, nuts and fruit. I cant stomach anything cooked, as it just makes me feel more nauseous and I really cant stomach any chocolates or sweet things, they also make me feel really ill.

I know this is a detoxification effect from massaging my legs like that last night, similar to what happens when you have an acupuncture treatment or lymphatic drainage massage, but really, this is just extreme! I would not have expected to continue to feel this sick for a whole day later. And not only that, but I feel really weak, lethargic and just want to sleep. This is crazy to be this affected by a massage - I wasn't even massaging deeply, I was just rubbing somewhat and tapping with the sides of my palms onto my legs. It was more of an invigoration of the muscles in my legs (upper and lower), thighs and backside rather than any type of deep massage.

I have had acupuncture treatments in the past and the first treatment usually causes this type of feeling (because the needles are supposed to re-invigorate the "chi" or energy and re-align the circulation and make everything flow properly again, which can make the toxins flow out and that can make you feel a bit ill), but only for the rest of the day, usually the next day I feel better. This, on the other hand, is major nausea and weakness, which I didn't feel at all like when I had acupuncture done. Maybe I really have a lot of toxins, dormant viruses or whatever else that have been moved around and they are making me feel sick. Really, this is crazy!

Earlier, I let the cat in and after he ate, he sat on the couch with me. I let him lie on my chest and as he fell asleep, so did I! That is so not like me to fall asleep like that. I was feeling very lethargic and drowsy. I didn't nap for long, as the cats jerked his leg in his sleep and that woke me up. I gently moved the cat from my chest to the corner of the couch so he could lie there and I got up and washed the dishes.

Well, I have an appointment with the doctor next week, when I can ask him what could possibly be happening to make me feel this sick.

It's only 10pm, but I am having major trouble staying awake. I just want to sleep. And this is not like me. I only feel this sleepy when I am really sick.

Oh well, at least one good thing has come out of this - I feel sick if I eat chocolate, so I will lose more weight! Maybe 1-2 kilos. You have to look on the bright side of these types of situations and as I get sick so much, I need to see a positive in it.

Learning to trust my intuition about people

A few months ago, I found a blog site which was really funny to read. The girl who wrote it seemed a bit crazy, but I thought that's probably because of the way she writes. I often left messages on her posts and she was appreciative of them (I did sign them with a pseudonym).

Now because her posts were totally over-the-top and outrageous, sometimes people got offended by them (not that she was talking about anyone they knew, she was talking about famous people, so it had nothing to do with them) and quite a few people would say all sorts of mean things to her in the comments.

One day, she told us, in a post, that someone had hacked into her email account and were threatening her, telling her they knew where she lived - stalking her basically - if she didn't stop writing her blog. She told us that she got "the authorities" involved to help her. Now, when I read this, it did seem really exaggerated and untrue to me, but I gave her the benefit of the doubt as she was funny.

Recently, I sent her an email and we started communicating a bit. She told me she had cancer (it was a lie), then she had to go to hospital and her friend (really her) logged into her account and told me she had tumours in her stomach they had to remove as she was coughing blood, he first told me that several people knew of her medical condition, then later said that only two people knew about it. When she came back (pretending it was herself again), she then told me that I knew more about her condition than she did because I was communicating with her friend, as if the doctors would not have told her what happened! Then she said "her friend" got the information wrong about the tumours, that they removed lymph nodes in her stomach and there were many other things she said that sounded untrue. Right! What a damn liar! I think she didn't know what to say because I started using medical terminology and she wasn't able to contend with that, as she doesn't know as much as I do regarding the body's anatomy as I have studied it.

I hate it when people lie. And this girl is lying big time about some fictional condition she doesn't have, to try to make people feel sorry for her. What an idiot she is! Because I was so disappointed in her and her lies, I told her I was going to see family for a few weeks and I wouldn't have Internet access for a few weeks. I didn't hear back from her after that. She knows the gig is up and that I know she is bullshitting! What a fake! Another pathological liar! I wont be going back to her blog ever again!

Now that I have thought about it a bit, I think maybe she is a prisoner somewhere (or mental asylum) and has Internet access early in the mornings and late at night, because that's when she seems to post. And with the first outage, maybe she was on remand or something else. Or maybe she's just a nutter who likes the attention. One thing "her friend" (ie really her) said about the fans was that they "should step up to the plate and show their love for her by commenting about her illness". So whatever or wherever she is, these disappearances are just about creating some drama to get attention from the people who read her blog. Well, I am no longer someone who intends to play into that drama!

Feeling nauseous and sick since last night

Last night, I decided to give my legs a good massage, which I did for about 20 minutes. I did this to try to stimulate circulation in my legs, increase toxin release through the lymphatic system, reduce fluid retention and just warm up my lower extremities as it is rather cold here.

I massaged each leg vigorously with the chopping hand movement, pinching the skin (not hard, but enough) and rubbing each leg up towards the heart.  I did each leg separately and then both legs together.

By the time I was five minutes into it, I started getting really hot and had to turn off the heater and take off a few layers of clothes (I was dressed in long sleeved tops with a tank top underneath), so obviously I was stimulating my circulation really well.

When I finished it, I felt almost exhilarated and very warm all over. My legs felt so light when I finished that when I went for a walk out of my room and into the kitchen, it almost felt like I was walking on air, as if my padding was cushioned when I walked.

About two hours later though, when I went to bed, I started to feel extremely nauseous, my head started hurting, I felt very light-headed and dizzy. In fact, I felt very "off" physically.

While I was trying to sleep, I felt like I was hallucinating, because while I was falling asleep and dreaming, I was actually moderately awake, so I was aware of the dream-like sequences going on in my head, but because I was almost awake, it felt like I was just imagining these things myself, thinking I was actually awake and wondering why I was imagining and seeing all these totally unrelated and bizarre things in my head, so it really felt strange. This went on for a little while and when I realised what was happening, it allowed me to relax and just go with it, which enabled me to finally lose consciousness and properly fall asleep. I am not sure how long, as I don't use a digital clock in my bedroom, but eventually I fell asleep.

When I awoke this morning, I still felt very nauseous, light-headed and dizzy, but at least the headache was not present. I tried on my trousers, which felt looser than normal, so obviously the massage did help to stimulate my lymphatic system to remove any excess fluid in and around my cells.

I also think the vigorous massage must have worked so well and stimulated my lymphatic and circulatory systems so well, that all the toxins in my cells must have been released all at once into my bloodstream and that release is what has been causing me to feel unwell. I did have a glass of water last night and that made me feel a little less nauseous, so I just need to keep drinking more water to flush out the toxins out of my system.

LayZ boy left all of his possessions with his soon-to-be ex-wife

LayZ is such a gigantic fool. He left all of his possessions with his ex-wife HoGirl, because he thinks he can cajole and manipulate her into taking him back.

He got a compensation payment about 2-3 years ago and as soon as he got that and bought her things she wanted (his soon-to-be ex-wife is just as much of an manipulator and liar as he is - you know the saying, birds of a feather, flock together and all that...) and as soon as she spent most of the money, or put it in her bank account (yes, they had separate bank accounts and he put his pay into her bank account each fortnight, he never saw his money, instead, he got an "allowance" from her) HoGirl started telling him he was no longer required in her life and kicked him out a few times, but always let him come back to her. She kicked him out in the past, but he always managed to wheedle his way back in and to get back together. This time though, I think she had someone on the side, so she no longer needed LayZ boy, which is why she hasn't taken him back yet.

Personally, I think she was waiting for his compensation payment to come through, spend all his money and then kick him out.  I predicted it from the moment he got his payment, that she would kick him out, divorce him and take everything.  And that is exactly what is happening! All their furniture, all their mutual possessions remain in their house and LayZ boy got nothing other than his clothes and a few other personal belongings of his own.

How dumb is he that he would not try to contest their possessions so that they can be divided properly? He still thinks that she is going to take him back, that his lying and manipulative behaviour will make her want him back. He, like his mother, is so deluded and doesn't want to know that she has someone else. HoGirl cant be by herself, she is another one who has emotional problems, she also lives totally in deluded land, lies as soon as she opens her mouth and is very fake and manipulative - perfect match for LayZ boy - but alas, they are to be together no more. I think there are only a few more months left in the official year of separation, after which she will undoubtedly file for divorce. I am so glad I never have to associate with that fake, lying, backstabbing HoGirl any more - every birthday and other holiday was a pain having to deal with her and her fake nastiness and dirty looks, then pretending she is all lightness and sweetness when other people were around. Ugh! Good riddance to her!