13 May 2010

Really dizzy and nauseous tonight

Ugh! I have been feeling more and more nauseous and dizzy this evening. And I just don't have much of an appetite, other than for fresh vegetables, nuts and fruit. I cant stomach anything cooked, as it just makes me feel more nauseous and I really cant stomach any chocolates or sweet things, they also make me feel really ill.

I know this is a detoxification effect from massaging my legs like that last night, similar to what happens when you have an acupuncture treatment or lymphatic drainage massage, but really, this is just extreme! I would not have expected to continue to feel this sick for a whole day later. And not only that, but I feel really weak, lethargic and just want to sleep. This is crazy to be this affected by a massage - I wasn't even massaging deeply, I was just rubbing somewhat and tapping with the sides of my palms onto my legs. It was more of an invigoration of the muscles in my legs (upper and lower), thighs and backside rather than any type of deep massage.

I have had acupuncture treatments in the past and the first treatment usually causes this type of feeling (because the needles are supposed to re-invigorate the "chi" or energy and re-align the circulation and make everything flow properly again, which can make the toxins flow out and that can make you feel a bit ill), but only for the rest of the day, usually the next day I feel better. This, on the other hand, is major nausea and weakness, which I didn't feel at all like when I had acupuncture done. Maybe I really have a lot of toxins, dormant viruses or whatever else that have been moved around and they are making me feel sick. Really, this is crazy!

Earlier, I let the cat in and after he ate, he sat on the couch with me. I let him lie on my chest and as he fell asleep, so did I! That is so not like me to fall asleep like that. I was feeling very lethargic and drowsy. I didn't nap for long, as the cats jerked his leg in his sleep and that woke me up. I gently moved the cat from my chest to the corner of the couch so he could lie there and I got up and washed the dishes.

Well, I have an appointment with the doctor next week, when I can ask him what could possibly be happening to make me feel this sick.

It's only 10pm, but I am having major trouble staying awake. I just want to sleep. And this is not like me. I only feel this sleepy when I am really sick.

Oh well, at least one good thing has come out of this - I feel sick if I eat chocolate, so I will lose more weight! Maybe 1-2 kilos. You have to look on the bright side of these types of situations and as I get sick so much, I need to see a positive in it.

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