19 May 2010

LayZ boy is really mental

There was a very interesting, but weird interaction between my brother, LayZ boy and my step-father this evening where my step-father was chastising my brother for not washing his glass after using it, expecting others to clean up after him and my brother just insisting that it is his right to make dishes dirty and not clean up after himself.

LayZ boy is just mental.

He just insists on what he wants and tells people; "you know that's what I do", like it is his divine right to be irresponsible and everyone must accept what he does and broach no argument about it irrespective of how it affects everyone else. It's his right to behave how he wants to, at the (usual) detriment of everyone else, as he considers no-one else's feelings but his own selfish ones!

My step-father was washing a few dishes (there were not many there - just a few plates and glasses, very minor) and then LayZ boy came into the kitchen to get himself his big glass that he uses for water. And this is the conversation that occurred:

Step-father: Hey, why are you taking a new glass when you should be washing out the glass you just used?
LayZ boy: You know I only use this glass. When one is dirty, I use the other one. (there are two of the glasses he likes to use)
Step-father: But you just made the other glass dirty, so why cant you just rinse it out and use it again?
LayZ boy: You know I only use this glass, it's the only glass I use. You know that.
Step-father: Yes, but you need to wash out the glass first so you can use it again, instead of making another one dirty that we have to wash.
LayZ boy: You know I only use this glass. When one is dirty, I use the other one that is clean. (said in a very mentally deluded way, like it is his right not only not to wash any dishes, but to make as many glasses dirty as possible)
Step-father: You are such a lazy bludger, you don't do anything. So lazy, you don't clean up after yourself.
LayZ boy: What are you talking about, I am just using the glass I always use and you know that.

And after that LayZ boy left the kitchen and my step-father, because I was in the vicinity, starts going off about how LayZ boy is so lazy and doesn't do anything and neither do, because I am equally lazy . Yeah, right, I don't think so - he just likes to bitch about me when he's complaining about LayZ boy and I don't know why, but he's always been that way!

LayZ boy, on the other hand is completely irresponsible and doesn't contribute an iota to washing dishes - whenever he uses any plates or cutlery, they are simply deposited on the sink for someone else to wash! And my step-father hates washing dishes - he always complains about having to do it when there are two women in the house! His attitude about women is so bad!

Painful tooth progressively getting better

The abscessed tooth is progressively getting better each day. Thank goodness!  I can now actually touch it with my toothbrush, which, up until today, I couldn't - I had to brush the teeth next to it and prevent touching it, even with just the soft pressure of the toothbrush.

Now that I can brush that tooth, it means I can get into the bit where the filling has chipped off and get some toothpaste in there. It seems like the abscess is draining out of it there, because when I have brushed the chipped bit, it seems very smelly and it wasn't before the abscess (and pain) started. I know this because I tried brushing it without any toothpaste, with just a bit of water on the toothbrush, to just stimulate the area without the toothpaste, at first, then I used some toothpaste.

The swelling in my cheek has gone down too as has the pain in the upper gum area above the tooth (inside my mouth), so that is all a big relief.

I also went to see that dentist today and he was nice, explained it all to me about how the sedation would work.  After seeing him, my gut feeling though, is telling me not to go for the sedation. I don't know why, but this time I am going to go with my gut and try to get the tooth filled awake. I have to decide which dentist to try. But in the meantime, I need to continue to take the antibiotics, probably the two doses - I am halfway through one packet now, so I have to go for the other packet too, as the abscess is rather large and is taking some time to disperse.