05 July 2010

My step-father cannot control his temper at all

My step-father has high blood pressure.

He has been told to control his temper tantrums because when he gets angry, in a boiling rage, which occurs several times a week, his blood pressure rises quite high and as it is already high, it is a dangerous situation for him.

But, he has no impulse control. He cannot control himself and his actions or words. He becomes completely irrational and will not listen to any rational discussion - in fact, it inflames him even more and he just gets angrier.  I think it's because he feels his intelligence is being insulted because he knows I am more educated than him and he resents me for that. He often tells me I only know what's inside "books", that I think I know so much, but that I am "stupid".

My step-father has always been like this. He used to get really drunk when I was a kid and would get really violent, shout tirades at me, become very belligerent and just hit me wherever his hand struck me on my body. I would have to cover the bruises when I went to school.

Personally, I think he resents me because he had a hard life and had to work hard, is uneducated and rather ignorant about a lot of things, so he resents the fact that I am tertiary educated, have had more opportunities than he ever had and that I seemingly (to him) have had an easy life. He doesn't like that.

My step-father is also very misogynistic as he thinks any housework is "women's work" and thinks that I should be the house slave who performs all housework duties. He resents the fact that I cannot vacuum, because of my allergies. He really resents that. He would like it to be the same as when I was younger, when I did most of the housework and he was left to relax and drink himself into a stupor.

The superstitiousness craziness of my mother

It is so tiresome having to deal with a mother like mine.

She is totally superstitious. She believes that if she puts incense all around the house, it will get rid of the "evil spirits" that invade my body and make me behave to her liking! Sounds like she has some major delusions about things which are not real.

My very ignorant and superstitious mother thinks that we do not get along because she believes that I have been influenced by evil spirits! That is some sick stuff to believe. I think it is delusional. She wont take responsibility for her actions, for her behaviour and for her words so she wants to blame it on something that is not rational or even logical to support her point of view. My mother certainly does have have issues with her mental facilities.

So, she gets her incenses and says her prayers all around the house to get rid of the "evil spirits", thinking that her belief in God will ensure that I behave in a way she thinks is appropriate - obsequious and subservient.

After she has totally smoked out my bedroom for a few minutes with the smoke from the incense, she then closes the door, so my room becomes uninhabitable for me. She knows I have allergies, but her need to get rid of the non-existent evil spirits over-rides any health issues I have! Of course. She doesn't think about me at all, ever!

She did this the other day and I told her not to do that ever again, because it meant I could not go into my bedroom for hours. She said she would not, but I don't trust her to keep her word because she lies and thinks nothing of breaking every promise she makes. And besides, she is deluded and thinks I wont notice if she does it, but I do.

Ugh, the idiocy I have to put up with in this house of lunatics!