31 May 2010

I have a really bad flu infection

I have been feeling so sick the last few days. I have a really bad flu infection.

It started on Saturday and became worse on Sunday and today (Monday), I still feel totally sick.

My throat got so sore, my sinuses got so inflamed and infected, to the point my teeth are hurting me, I have a bit of a cough, my head really hurts, I have a fever, I feel totally lethargic and my bones hurt. All this yucky yellow and red (blood) stuff is coming out of my nose that I have to spit out in a tissue. It's so gross!

I was sleeping most of the day on Saturday and Sunday as well as today. I didn't do anything else but lay on the couch and watch TV, drifting into sleep every so often on the weekend. Today, I spent most of the day in bed with the heater on and the cat at the foot of my bed.

I was quite hot and feverish last night and I have sweated through my pyjamas today that I had to have a shower to feel clean again.

My head just hurts so bad and my energy levels are so low.

I just came online today to check email and check some other things, really quickly and write these posts, but now I am so exhausted. I feel like I have run a marathon! I need to go back to bed!

Right side of my face is all swollen and it hurts

The day after I had the first part of the root canal work I woke up and the right side of my face was all swollen up. It was swollen quite a bit and there was also quite a bit of pain in the gum area at the root of my tooth, plus my tooth was quite sore to touch too.

I think because the tooth had quite a bit of work done to it in the root canal, by removing all the yucky pus and dead roots, that it was all infected with an abscess and already really painful especially in the gum area just near where my jaw meets the gum line, that inflamed the tooth even more.

And while cleaning out the infected parts was what was needed, because that means the abscess wont have anything to infect, right now, tampering with the infected tooth (while totally justified and required) just inflamed it a whole lot more.

I got the first part of the root canal done on Friday afternoon and on Saturday the side of my face was quite very swollen and was hurting a bit, on Sunday the swelling and pain started to go down quite a bit, as did the pain. Now today (Monday), the swelling is almost gone.

The only thing that hurts today is the gum area above my tooth, where the root of the tooth is, that is still quite sore, so maybe the abscess isn't totally gone yet. It is getting better because it was more sore the last few days, but it is getting better very slowly!

It's take a while longer for the inflammation (swelling) to settle down and that is because I haven't been taking any medication (anti-inflammatory medicine), but at least it is starting to get better, so that is the main thing.

It will probably take a few more days till it's all good and the pain completely goes away.