12 May 2010

Still feeling sick, but at least nice looking guys abound

I am feeling really sick again today and while I do not feel like going anywhere, I have a bill to pay (which I am late paying, as I forgot about it and need to pay today to avoid a late payment fee) and so I need to go to the post office. I got dressed and went to catch public transport to get to the city. While it is not windy today, it is rather cold, so that doesn't help me, being sick.

Yesterday, when I was catching the bus home, there was a really nice looking guy in a beanie waiting at the bus stop and there were also many other people too, but I noticed him because he was handsome. He also happened to catch the same bus as me and sat directly in front of me with his father who just happened to be on the bus. This guy was really tall - maybe about 6 foot 5 inches or so. Very very male and very manly, but he seemed like a really nice guy. That's the vibe I got from him when he was talking to his father. I took furtive glances at him in the glass windows, but I think he caught me one time. So if he caught me, he must have been looking at me too.

I thought I looked totally awful yesterday because I felt sick, but when I came home and saw my reflection in the mirror, I realised I looked nice, albeit looking a little tired.

Today, when I went to the post office, who did I see waiting in line, but the same guy! What a coincidence that was. He got served and went out really quickly, he didn't wait around as he was in a hurry (I heard him tell the person at the counter that he didn't put in enough money in his parking meter and was worried that he may get fined). I didn't really want him to see me today, because I didn't look that good today.

What a nice thing that was, to see the same guy two days in a row. Maybe I will see him again when I am feeling and looking much better?  How unexciting my life is that I get a thrill from seeing a good looking guy two days in a row!

Viral infection rears its head again

Yesterday I had to catch public transport back home and as it was rather a windy day, it was not such a good day for me to be walking around, because high winds cause a lot of pollen, dust and other things to be in the air and it's not good for me when I inhale it through my nose or mouth.
My body cant handle dust, pollen and other small particles, as they get caught up in my sinuses and lungs and make my sinuses hurt (I get pain in my frontal sinuses), my ears start to hurt too because for some reason those little particles must get in my ears too and clog them up as well and my lungs hurt too, inhaling those particles irritate my lungs and cause me to cough more and all of this causes an allergic reaction.  In addition to this, the air pressure changes when there are high winds and that also affects my sinuses by making them more sore and more prevalent to infection.

When these little particles clog up my airways, the airways get irritated, inflamed and this allows any lurking viruses to invade, because my immune system is not functioning properly and so the pathogens (viruses) can easily enter, unhindered, where they can multiply and cause infection. Obviously because I haven't been feeling at all well lately, there are always viruses around, ready to invade and infect me more, so doesn't take much to get me sick.

By the time I got home, I was feeling very lethargic and ready to lie down and sleep.  My lungs were quite sore and I was coughing a lot - the bronchitis cough. My sinuses were also sore and I was getting sharp pain from my ears, especially my right ear.

Today, I feel really sick again, even though I slept for about 10 hours last night - obviously I needed it, after not sleeping enough yesterday.