21 February 2010

Expectations of some are unbelievable

The gall of them!

Earlier this evening my step-father told me I had to get up early tomorrow morning to let the chickens out of their hen house.  I just ignored him.

He also told me to wash the dishes, telling me it was my turn as he washed them the night before.  I did do the dishes, but I did ignore him anyway.

Later, my mother came into the family room, where I was laying on the couch, watching television (and this is when I was still feeling a bit sick) and she told me I had to get up early (6am) to let the chickens out of their hen house.  I asked her why she didn't ask my brother (LayZ boy) and she told me she thought that I could let the chickens out this week and he would do it next week.  In other words, she asked him, he told her he wouldn't do it and she had to resort to asking me. There is nothing wrong with him, he just didn't want to get up that early and she accepted it, but tried to force me to do what she wanted.
I told her that she had no right to ask me to do anything if I have no rights in this house, especially when we don't even talk and when none of them do anything for me (just to spite me) and that if she wants the hen house opened, she needs to ask her son because I will not do it.

She didn't have anything much to say after that because she knows she has no recourse - I am right in what I said - we don't talk, they do things on purpose to spite me and as if I will do them any favours when they treat me so abominably! No way.  My mother was pissed off, but there was nothing she could do about it.  She could get a taste of her own medicine - I will treat her as she treats me and if she doesn't like it, then too bad!

She and my step-father are on good terms with my brother (LayZ boy) and it is not my responsibility, nor is it my problem if he will not open the chicken pen for them (as they will be out early in the morning, so wont be able to do it).  He is her "golden child" and if he wont do what she asks him, it has nothing to do with me.  She doesn't hardly talk to me except to tell me off about something or have an argument with me.

Soon after this my step-father came in there and saw that the sink was clean and he asked my mother, "Who washed the dishes, was it you, or the daughter?"  He always talks about me to her as if I am not there, even when I am. She didn't answer him as she was still pissed off and after asking her again about the dishes, my step-father laughed and left the room.

Talk about hypocrisy.  She wont even let me use the car unless I pay for the insurance and registration (and it's not even my car), as well as the petrol (which is fine, as I use it occasionally so I don't mind paying for petrol, after all I am using it on occasion) and she took the keys from my handbag without my knowledge and has banned my step-father from lending me the car for any reason and after behaving this way, then she has the audacity to ask me to do her a favour?  I don't think so!  

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction and I will seek to draw the lines around my boundaries and limits, even if they try to push in and remove them.  I wont let them in.  I will have boundaries and I will set my limits and I will not allow them to push past them. I wont!

I think I feel a little better

I think all the garlic and shallots (scallions) I have eaten today have definitely made a big improvement to my health. 

I had a spicy soup earlier in which I added two fresh garlic that I cut up finely after I served it.  I also added some of the white bits of the shallots, cut up finely.  I tell you what, it certainly made me feel really hot.  The heat from the spices, garlic, shallots and the warmth of the soup certainly made me feel like my fever got quite worse and I really did feel very lethargic and over-heated, quite feverish.

A few hours later, I had some vegetarian curry on quinoa, which I added some cut up shallot leaves (the green parts) and three cloves of finely cut up garlic on top to give it more heat and to help my immune system deal more effectively with this viral infection I seem to have.  I did feel quite hot and a bit lethargic after the curry, but nowhere near as hot as I felt earlier with the soup, so obviously something is working!

Several hours later (now) and I am not feeling lethargic (like last night or earlier today) and while I am a little bit warm, I am not feeling that hot.  So all of those cloves of garlic, the spices and shallots (maybe about 3-4 of them) in a short space of time, really must have taken effect in boosting my immune system to help it fight the virus, as it is no longer making me hot (feverish).  

Just now I went to my Facebook page, where I saw a lot of those cute "gifts" people send you, which definitely made me feel even better to know I had been sent such lovely energy from people.  And while I know those Facebook gifts are applications made by people to make money, it's really the thought that counts from the person who sent it to me and they were being really sweet.  It just made me feel less alone and less lonely.  It was really nice to see.

If I try to go to be earlier tonight, it may be useful for me as it will help my body heal itself.

I have the cat sleeping on my bed and he is just gorgeous.  He'll let me know when he needs to get up (which will be some very early hour of the morning I am sure).  He is such a sweet, loving cat.  At least he is the one positive, sweet, loving thing in this negative house!