23 May 2010

LayZ boy the dodgy user and scammer

LayZ boy is the type of person who will try to trick you you out of all your money and will take you for everything you're worth if he can and if you're stupid enough to allow it.

LayZ boy promises you the world and tries to convince you that he will give you everything and more than what you expect if you only give him (a) money, or (b) possessions, or (c) both money and possessions.

LayZ boy lies all the time. If LayZ boy's mouth is open, you know he's lying. He rarely if ever tells the truth.

LayZ boy asked people he didn't even know that well for numbers to Lotto at his uncle's wake last year, telling them that he wanted some fresh numbers from other people, not just from himself, because maybe their numbers would be the winning numbers (he is so deluded) and then proceeded to tell that if the lottery ticket won any money, he would share it with them. Yeah right! He would just lie to them. Bald faced lies. He would just tell them that he never won anything and give them nothing.

At the wake, LayZ boy was just trying to get some new numbers, thinking that if he got new numbers from other people, they would be for sure the winning numbers! So completely deluded. He then promises them the world for giving him their time and will never do what he says.

How unconscionable is that? Instead of having a nice meal at the wake and talking about his uncle, he instead starts trying to scam people for Lotto numbers. He even asked the priest who did the service for Lotto numbers too. I noticed the priest looked at LayZ boy like he was a lunatic for doing such a thing at a wake. He gave my brother the side-eye, like, "what the heck are you doing?"

It was just so wrong on so many levels. I am not even religious, but to me that was totally disrespectful. He was no conscience whatsoever.

A few years ago, he befriended one of my ex-boyfriends and used to borrow money from him, promising him he would return it with interest. Of course he never returned the money. Then he would ask my ex-boyfriend for more money, on top of what he already owed him. My ex went along with this for a while, thinking that if he gave him the money, it would teach LayZ boy some sort of lesson (yea sure, the only thing LayZ boy learnt was that my ex was a sucker). After a while, my ex stopped giving LayZ boy any more money and of course that meant LayZ boy stopped being friends with my ex, as he had nothing more to offer him. I don't think LayZ boy returned what he owed my ex. What a user.

You know, all I can say is that karma will get him. It already has because his ex-wife wont have anything to do with him and took everything from him and even his children don't see him other than for birthdays and Christmas. He has no relationship with his family who he was with for 20 years - they have almost completely disowned him and I think he will die alone, just like his own father.

LayZ boy is obsessed with our parents will

LayZ boy has absolutely no sense whatsoever, but then again, what do you expect from someone without any intellect and who is seriously mentally unwell?

Today, while we were arguing, he kept telling me that he was going to make sure that our parents gave him administration rights to their estate (they are not dead) so that he controls all of their estate and then he can make sure I get none of their estate when they die.

He quite often talks about our parents estate and their will and how much he is going to get when they die. I shudder to think about exactly what he plans. What kind of person obsesses about something like this?

I told him that it's more likely that he will die before they do and in any case, they have told me they are splitting it up 50:50 to us each. LayZ boy kept on going on about the will and how he would make sure he got control so I would get nothing. He is obsessive and demented. Really demented.

When our parents came home, our mother was in the kitchen talking to LayZ boy like he did nothing wrong. She totally trusts him. It doesn't matter that I see him with my own eyes going through their drawers, she just tells me, "I don't see him do any of this". So basically she wants to keep her eyes closed and pretend its not happening, meanwhile, that means he will keep on going. This time I told her that he was rifling through drawers and that he was also talking about their will, telling me he was going to try to take control of everything when they died. LayZ boy got so angry (because I was telling her the truth and he did not want her to hear what his sick, ugly mind comes up with) and kept saying, "I am going to hit her (me) if she doesn't shut up". Then he tried to defend himself and was stumbling on his words, trying to lie his way out of it. Mother, of course says nothing and tells him she'll be going to the shops with him soon. Fucking mental. Both of them.

It is unbelievably frustrating to come across this bloody mindedness. Our mother is simply deluded. Totally and utterly deluded. She will not hear anyone say anything against him and will let him get away with everything he does.This just sets him up to continue to behave in an abominable and belligerent way with no consequences for his action, ever. He knows he can get away with anything with his mother, so he continues to behave fake in front of her (sucks up to her big time) and behind her back, he looks through her documents and probably takes things to use them for his illegal activity (he tried to forge his ex-wife's signature many times, tried to fraudulently get a credit card under his wife's name, but assigned to him, he lies to people to get their money and possession promising them the world, but giving nothing in return and almost getting bashed in the process).

From now on, he can do whatever he wants to do in their room - he can steal their stuff (like he used to do) and they can deal with the consequences. I am done with that non-entity. LayZ boy is no longer related to me. As far as I am concerned, he is dead to me.

LayZ boy gets more aggressive today

Today LayZ boy again tried to get my attention. He really is insane.

I woke up early and did some household duties (washed the dishes and cleared up the sink), but it seemed that no-one was home, so I felt wonderful to be free from the three non-entities who live here and treat me like crap.

Unfortunately, that bliss wasn't to last long.

While I was with the chickens feeding them some greens, LayZ boy came outside, hair totally unkempt and sticking up everywhere and lit up his cigarette just near where I was, so that he could blow his cigarette smoke at me, because he knows it makes me ill. What a complete idiotic person he is!

I waited until he moved away a little and went inside. I still had some more to feed the chickens, but I thought it better if I did it later, because the air out there was going to reek of cigarette smoke, as LayZ boy seems to think he should smoke next to the chicken enclosure, so they can breathe in the smoke. Totally sanctioned by his mother.

I had intended to wash my undies, but I couldn't go to the pergola (that's where the laundry is) because it stunk so badly of cigarette smoke as LayZ boy left the door open, so I had to wait a while. When I did go out to the pergola to hand wash my undies, LayZ boy must have seen me when he went to the toilet (the entry to the toilet looks in on the pergola) and decided that he wanted to come out to have a cigarette right then. I, of course, left the pergola, but not before closing the door, so that his cigarette smoke didn't pervade inside. Luckily I had finished washing and rinsing the undies, I just had to hang them out on the clothes line. About half an hour after he came inside, I hung out my undies on the clothes line. So again, I thwarted his little plan. And while I know he likes to blow cigarette smoke on my clothes, I didn't think he would do it to my undies, as that would have been really weird even for a nutcase like him.

When I went back outside later to take my now dry undies off the clothes line, I saw LayZ boy rifling through our parents drawers, looking through their papers and other documents. I told him that I would be letting his mother know what he did and he denied it, of course. Then he called me a "loser" and started going off his head at me. He even pushed me hard - I had my phone in my hands holding it up and he pushed it against my teeth. What an aggressive, belligerent fool.

He then called his mother but she didn't answer, as I did too but I got through. I told her what he did and meanwhile, LayZ boy stood outside my door, listening to my conversation. He got so upset that I got to her first before he was able to lie to her and started calling me a "loser" and told me how "fucked up" I was for telling her what he did. Then he walked to his room yelling loudly and continued to talk to himself for about 10 minutes. He is not a normal person. He is mentally unwell.