23 May 2010

LayZ boy gets more aggressive today

Today LayZ boy again tried to get my attention. He really is insane.

I woke up early and did some household duties (washed the dishes and cleared up the sink), but it seemed that no-one was home, so I felt wonderful to be free from the three non-entities who live here and treat me like crap.

Unfortunately, that bliss wasn't to last long.

While I was with the chickens feeding them some greens, LayZ boy came outside, hair totally unkempt and sticking up everywhere and lit up his cigarette just near where I was, so that he could blow his cigarette smoke at me, because he knows it makes me ill. What a complete idiotic person he is!

I waited until he moved away a little and went inside. I still had some more to feed the chickens, but I thought it better if I did it later, because the air out there was going to reek of cigarette smoke, as LayZ boy seems to think he should smoke next to the chicken enclosure, so they can breathe in the smoke. Totally sanctioned by his mother.

I had intended to wash my undies, but I couldn't go to the pergola (that's where the laundry is) because it stunk so badly of cigarette smoke as LayZ boy left the door open, so I had to wait a while. When I did go out to the pergola to hand wash my undies, LayZ boy must have seen me when he went to the toilet (the entry to the toilet looks in on the pergola) and decided that he wanted to come out to have a cigarette right then. I, of course, left the pergola, but not before closing the door, so that his cigarette smoke didn't pervade inside. Luckily I had finished washing and rinsing the undies, I just had to hang them out on the clothes line. About half an hour after he came inside, I hung out my undies on the clothes line. So again, I thwarted his little plan. And while I know he likes to blow cigarette smoke on my clothes, I didn't think he would do it to my undies, as that would have been really weird even for a nutcase like him.

When I went back outside later to take my now dry undies off the clothes line, I saw LayZ boy rifling through our parents drawers, looking through their papers and other documents. I told him that I would be letting his mother know what he did and he denied it, of course. Then he called me a "loser" and started going off his head at me. He even pushed me hard - I had my phone in my hands holding it up and he pushed it against my teeth. What an aggressive, belligerent fool.

He then called his mother but she didn't answer, as I did too but I got through. I told her what he did and meanwhile, LayZ boy stood outside my door, listening to my conversation. He got so upset that I got to her first before he was able to lie to her and started calling me a "loser" and told me how "fucked up" I was for telling her what he did. Then he walked to his room yelling loudly and continued to talk to himself for about 10 minutes. He is not a normal person. He is mentally unwell.

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