23 May 2010

LayZ boy the dodgy user and scammer

LayZ boy is the type of person who will try to trick you you out of all your money and will take you for everything you're worth if he can and if you're stupid enough to allow it.

LayZ boy promises you the world and tries to convince you that he will give you everything and more than what you expect if you only give him (a) money, or (b) possessions, or (c) both money and possessions.

LayZ boy lies all the time. If LayZ boy's mouth is open, you know he's lying. He rarely if ever tells the truth.

LayZ boy asked people he didn't even know that well for numbers to Lotto at his uncle's wake last year, telling them that he wanted some fresh numbers from other people, not just from himself, because maybe their numbers would be the winning numbers (he is so deluded) and then proceeded to tell that if the lottery ticket won any money, he would share it with them. Yeah right! He would just lie to them. Bald faced lies. He would just tell them that he never won anything and give them nothing.

At the wake, LayZ boy was just trying to get some new numbers, thinking that if he got new numbers from other people, they would be for sure the winning numbers! So completely deluded. He then promises them the world for giving him their time and will never do what he says.

How unconscionable is that? Instead of having a nice meal at the wake and talking about his uncle, he instead starts trying to scam people for Lotto numbers. He even asked the priest who did the service for Lotto numbers too. I noticed the priest looked at LayZ boy like he was a lunatic for doing such a thing at a wake. He gave my brother the side-eye, like, "what the heck are you doing?"

It was just so wrong on so many levels. I am not even religious, but to me that was totally disrespectful. He was no conscience whatsoever.

A few years ago, he befriended one of my ex-boyfriends and used to borrow money from him, promising him he would return it with interest. Of course he never returned the money. Then he would ask my ex-boyfriend for more money, on top of what he already owed him. My ex went along with this for a while, thinking that if he gave him the money, it would teach LayZ boy some sort of lesson (yea sure, the only thing LayZ boy learnt was that my ex was a sucker). After a while, my ex stopped giving LayZ boy any more money and of course that meant LayZ boy stopped being friends with my ex, as he had nothing more to offer him. I don't think LayZ boy returned what he owed my ex. What a user.

You know, all I can say is that karma will get him. It already has because his ex-wife wont have anything to do with him and took everything from him and even his children don't see him other than for birthdays and Christmas. He has no relationship with his family who he was with for 20 years - they have almost completely disowned him and I think he will die alone, just like his own father.

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