31 July 2010

Hyocrisy in action

The house I live in at present with the lunatic nutcase family has a slow combustion cast iron fireplace in the family room, to heat the house.

After the argument tonight, the mother and step-father went out to their local pub and told me to get out of the family room, otherwise they were going to spray it with LayZ boy's strong perfume, because they know it affects me adversely (I have multiple chemical sensitivities).

Now, their son is at home, but he is more concerned with behaving like a manic nutcase and banging on walls and making off-key attempts to sing (and annoy me), smoking his cigarettes and just making lots of noise, than to keep the fire going for his parents, so that it's still warm when they get home.

Needless to say, the fire has gone out, as it's been several hours since they left and the fire has not had more wood put on it. I wont. I normally do, but I wont today after their vile behaviour.

They, of course wont chastise LayZ boy for not keeping the fire going. They don't because as far as they are concerned, he doesn't need to be responsible for anything, only me. As if that is fair or normal. It's just such hypocrisy to have all these expectations of me, but none of him. And, to put the onus and responsibility on me, when they put none on him.

What are they going to do when they get old and sick and LayZ boy is still living here? Are they going to continue to do everything for him - wash his dishes, wash his clothes, warm the house for him?

I felt like shit tonight

I felt like killing myself tonight.

I really felt like just ending it. Ending the misery that is my life.

I thought about slashing my wrists and letting the lifeblood run right out. And end this horrible misery I find myself in.

I went to my room and cried my heart out after they all continued to yell at me.

I felt so awful.

This is not a family.

These are horrible, awful people, who don't understand how to treat anyone with respect or decency.

These people are so ignorant and abusive and obnoxious and continue to blame me for their actions.

They never take responsibility for anything they do or say. They make me feel like everything that is bad is my fault, even though it isn't. They even tell me that all the time, "everything is your fault".

And the mentally unwell idiot LayZ boy walks past my room, up and down, calling me a "loser" and yet it's him who has not teeth. It's him who is unemployable. It's him whose wife cheated on him and wont have anything to do with him. It's him who has no prospects in life. Not me.

People who are unable to take responsibility for their actions

During the course of the fight with my step-father, both my mother and LayZ boy brother, kept yelling at me, even when I wasn't saying anything. They didn't say anything to the step-father, other than LayZ boy telling him to stop it because I may record it and then they could go to jail, with the evidence. Lucky for all of them I did not have my mobile phone on me to record anything.

At one point LayZ boy came in again to the family room and took one look at me and called me a "loser". I told him to shut up and stop saying that, because he was the one without any teeth, so if there was a loser around here, it was him.

Then, LayZ boy said to his mother, "See how she starts trouble. See how she says things to me to upset me."

There is something wrong with his ability to be rational. He is the one who came into the room and he is the one who was obnoxious and rude to me. I gave him a dose of reality and he did not like that, which he cant handle.

And of course, when I told them that the step-father needs to control him behaviour, they all blamed me. They all told me it was my fault that the step-father was upset. That the step-father was not responsible for his actions, that I was the one who was responsible for all of their actions, not them.

The insane family shows just how deluded and insane they are, yet again. Taking no responsibility for their actions and blaming their anger and their insanity on me, as usual.

The step-father who is clinically insane

Today we had another argument - the three of them vs me.

I asked my mother where my lottery scratchy ticket (which was on the table in the family room) was, as it was no longer there.

My step-father immediately and aggressively says, "You idiot, you cant keep your junk on the coffee table. I threw it away. What are you going to do about it?"

What kind of a response was that? I wasn't even speaking to him in the first place.

I then told my mother that I had it there earlier in the week and now it was gone. I asked her again where it was, because it was either her or my step-father who moved it, as I did not.

The argument escalated with my step-father yelling at me and telling me I was a "lazy bludger" and that he would throw anything of mine that was on the coffee table.

My mental step-father then proceeded to remove some of my food (in their plates) from the refrigerator and threw them in the sink filled with other dishes and water, proceeding to break all the dishes, telling me that everything in the refrigerator was his food and he could do whatever he wanted with it.

My step-father then threw his shoes at me. He got me with one. I threw them back at him, but missed.

The step-father also tried to come over to me, tried to hit me. He kept on coming at me and talking like he was not in possession of his mental facilities. He told me that he would kill me if I didn't leave right then and there. He would go to jail, but at least I would be dead.

Both my brother LayZ boy and my mother told me that this argument was all my fault. And when I said that the step-father needs to take responsibility for his actions, they said that it was my responsibility, not his. They are just so deluded.

Just another night in the mental house with the mentally unwell people.