31 July 2010

Hyocrisy in action

The house I live in at present with the lunatic nutcase family has a slow combustion cast iron fireplace in the family room, to heat the house.

After the argument tonight, the mother and step-father went out to their local pub and told me to get out of the family room, otherwise they were going to spray it with LayZ boy's strong perfume, because they know it affects me adversely (I have multiple chemical sensitivities).

Now, their son is at home, but he is more concerned with behaving like a manic nutcase and banging on walls and making off-key attempts to sing (and annoy me), smoking his cigarettes and just making lots of noise, than to keep the fire going for his parents, so that it's still warm when they get home.

Needless to say, the fire has gone out, as it's been several hours since they left and the fire has not had more wood put on it. I wont. I normally do, but I wont today after their vile behaviour.

They, of course wont chastise LayZ boy for not keeping the fire going. They don't because as far as they are concerned, he doesn't need to be responsible for anything, only me. As if that is fair or normal. It's just such hypocrisy to have all these expectations of me, but none of him. And, to put the onus and responsibility on me, when they put none on him.

What are they going to do when they get old and sick and LayZ boy is still living here? Are they going to continue to do everything for him - wash his dishes, wash his clothes, warm the house for him?

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