02 February 2010

More nonsense

I think my mother is completely delusional, my brother LayZ boy is a narcissistic psychopath and my step-father is totally volatile. It is difficult for me to predict any of their behaviour with any degree of accuracy as they are all emotionally volatile and anything can set them off to spout angry words to me.

My brother LayZ boy used to say, when he was in his late teens that he read the story of Narcissus and he thought that that was exactly the same as him.  He also fell in love with himself when he looked at himself in the mirror and got lost in himself. Narcissus fell in love with himself when he saw his reflection in some water. He has always been in love with himself and has never done anything for anyone else that didn't benefit him in some way. 

In the past LayZ boy would beg me to borrow money and he would tell me that he would even give me interest if I didn't believe that he would genuinely return it within the week. Yes, I got fooled by this so many times. I would lend him money, he wouldn't return it - in fact he refused point blank to return it, telling me it was my own fault for lending him the money and he didn't have to give it back, or to ask my parents for the money. He is so totally selfish and has total disdain for anyone else. He wants, he gets and then he discards. Psychopath.  He is so good at manipulating and lying and he is so good that people really believe him, as he puts his heart and soul into selling himself to you.  Psychopathic liar.

My mother on the other hand, totally molly-coddles her narcissistic son. She wont let him pick up a dishcloth to wash any dishes, because it is beneath him to do anything. So he leaves dirty dishes in the sink every day and she washes them. She wont let him wash his own clothes, because again, it is beneath him to do that, so she washes his clothes, hangs them up to dry, folds them or irons them.  A 40 year old man whose mother does everything for him and excuses all his vileness as lovely quirks of his personality.  What an upstanding human being my brother, Lay-Z boy turned out to be!

It's really hard to accept this about these people, but they are not normal.  Even my step-father, in moments of clarity states that my brother is not normal and will probably die before he is 50 because of his drug addiction, smoking every day (with the lovely smoker's cough), not eating properly and not living normally.  When I tell my mother that even her husband thinks her son is not normal, her response? "Shut your mouth". Oh how lovely huh?  What a lovely thing to say.  She is so completely in denial about her son.

Oh yes, she tells him it's okay to smoke his cigarettes in his bedroom at night.  See how smart she is. He can fall asleep with a cigarette in his mouth/bed one day and set the whole house on fire.  What a nice thing for a mother to want for her son. 

She is such an enabler. She continues to enable his sick behaviour because she is also sick.  She does not know what it means to be normal and that's because she is not and neither is her son. In denial, both of them. So far in denial that they wont ever face the truth, never.

And they blame me because I flash a lovely mirror of reality up to them and they absolutely cannot handle it. They deflect, ignore, get angry or try to blame just so that I can "shut my mouth" about reality as neither of them is willing to face it.