24 May 2010

My parents created a monster in LayZ boy

The delusions that my mother has about her son - that he has any goodness at all - are so far removed from reality and that just means he will continue to befuddle and manipulate her, make her think that he does nothing wrong. And that will ultimately be all three of their downfall.

Every time I tell my mother what he does to me - hitting me, pushing me, calling me names, blowing cigarette smoke on my clothes on the clothes line, going out for a cigarette when he knows I am outside, just so he can blow smoke at me - she refuses to see that he is doing anything wrong. She keeps telling me, "he never does any of this in front of me". By saying that, she gives him carte blanche to keep behaving that way. She wants to avoid it, she doesn't want to know and so by pretending its not happening, she enables it to continue happening. She wont acknowledge that her son is a vicious, manipulative asshole who takes pleasure in hurting his sister, because that means facing reality and my mother will do anything to avoid facing reality. What an idiot! And because of her idiocy, I get caught in the crossfire, her enabling him and being so delusional about him means that he can carry on behaving despicably in the full knowledge that there will be no consequences.

And even me telling my mother that her son LayZ boy was going through her personal papers in her drawers did nothing. When she came home, he denied it and then they had a nice little chat about what they would have for dinner! He tells her he didn't go through her drawers, that I was lying as usual (even though its him that lies and not me) and she believes him over me. How sick is that?

But, conversely, my mother doesn't stop yelling at me. She goes into my bag (which is in my bedroom) without my knowledge or permission, rifles through to find the car keys and bedroom door key and takes them. That's okay for her to do, so I guess its okay for him to do the same to her. I guess she will find out when he takes something of value and she cant deny it, or pretend he didn't do it.

LayZ boy learnt to be a volatile bully to people he perceives that are weaker than him, just like his step-father, yet he is scared of anyone who is bigger (and stronger) than him.

They all abuse and dump on me because they can. My mother allows it. She is the head of this family and she allows it.

These people make me sick!

When I leave here, things will unfold rapidly when their idiotic son starts gambling heavily again. He has already started gambling. This means he will get desperate for money because he will lose, like he invariably does and that will mean he will start stealing money from them like he used to from his wife when he was living with her. My mother will continue to stay in denial, pretending that nothing is going on, meanwhile, LayZ boy will continue to steal from them and get further into debt while he gambles even more.

LayZ boy, just like his mother, has an addictive personality - he is addicted to cigarettes, he is addicted to sugar, he is addicted to coca cola, he is addicted to gambling - and this marriage break-up will all bring it out. Once LayZ boy really starts to realise that his ex-wife is going to divorce him and take everything from him, he will get more desperate and start gambling really bad. He'll probably get my parents into debt and they may even lose their house.  Let them. If they are that stupid to trust a totally untrustworthy, deceitful piece of shit, then they should all get what they deserve!

LayZ boy's children come to visit their grandmother

After I came home today, my mother told me that my brother LayZ boy's children were coming over today after the older one finished work. She said that they were coming to see her and everyone. Sure. It's most likely their mother told them they should visit their grandmother, because the older one's 21st birthday is coming up soon and she wants to make sure their grandparents buy her something nice. LayZ boy's ex-wife is just as bad as him.

I told my mother that it wouldn't be a good idea for her to have to girls in the family room because they wear really strong perfumes, deodorants and body spray and the family room would reek of it all night. Sometimes the smell is there for days. My mother, of course contradicts me, tells me that she can have them in the sun room, because it's cold. I told her that she had a heater and as its a sun room, its a lot warmer than the inside of the house. She of course told me to shut up, that she wasn't going to do what I suggested.

The thing is, their strong perfume makes me ill - I get so allergic just being subjected to it for even a moment - and none of them care about this. To my mother, its more important to do the complete opposite of anything I ask for (nothing ever unreasonable), wilfully disregarding my health!

When the girls came, she had them in the family room, sitting on the  breakfast stools, but only for a short while.  Even she realised how strong their perfume was and how much it was bothering even her and that she wouldn't be able to handle it when they left and the aroma pervaded the room for hours afterwards.

So only after the girls had been there for about 5 minutes, she ushered them into the sun room.

It is just irritating that my mother just does not listen to anything I say even though I am invariably right in my suggestion or reasonable in what I have asked for. My mother always argues with me, tells me I am wrong, tells me she wont do anything to help me, that she considers her guests needs before mine (they have no needs, it's me that has the severe allergies) and is just wilfully antagonistic towards me.  But invariably, she realises she is wrong (but she wont ever admit it to me) and does exactly what I recommended in the first place.

It is so utterly galling that my mother argues with me so vehemently, tells me I am so wrong, then she does exactly what I suggested because it affects her. She doesn't care about me, she doesn't care that it affects me, she only cares that it affects her. My mother realised that she would have to open all the doors and windows and that still wouldn't get rid of the smell, that when she does that in the sun room, it takes hours for the smell to dissipate and because it is cold tonight, she couldn't bear to keep all the doors and windows open as that would make the house cold, but she could leave the windows open in the sun room and that wouldn't be a problem. So basically, because it was going to affect her, she movies the girls to the sun room and not because of any concern about my health. My mother, like the rest of my immediately family, is so completely selfish!

Abusive, angry controlling step-father

This morning was the morning for cleaning the house, so that meant I had to wake up early and leave the house because I am allergic to dust and dust mites.

My step-father told me I had to move my bags which were next to a tallboy in the lounge room downstairs because he didn't want them to be there. I told him to just leave them, that I would take care of them when I came back home. That was not an unreasonable request.

He wouldn't hear of that. He started screaming at me and told I had to do what he told me to do, that this was his house and he didn't want my bags there (they had some items of crockery which I hadn't packed away into the cupboards in the kitchen and a bag of CD's).

I was in the kitchen at this point, making a smoothie for breakfast (a quick breakfast so that I could leave quickly and not upset him because you never know when he's going to blow, he's so volatile). My step-father was screaming at me while we were both there and then threw a bag he was holding at me. Luckily it only had plastic bags in the bag (my mother recycles her plastic bags) and then they fell in the sink that was filled with water. I asked him, "what the hell is wrong with you to throw this at me?" and he responded by telling me that I had to move my things right now or else he was going to smash everything.

I followed him into the lounge room as he started to move my things to the door, so that he could take them downstairs, into the garage. I asked him what the point was for putting things in the garage, when I had to bring most of it back up again, because it belonged in the kitchen mainly. He told me he didn't care, that I had to just do what he told me to do because this was his house and if I didn't like it, I could "piss off" out of there and I should just "fuck off". He also called me a lazy bludger (of course he did because he cant think of anything else to say).

He then hit me. He hit my arm - he lashed out at me because he was angry and I threw the glass I was carrying onto the floor - it still had some of the smoothie in it - and the glass broke, shattering all over the floor and there was purple liquid everywhere on the floor too. Then my step-father went off his head again, screaming at me even more, calling me horrible things even more. This is such an untenable situation for me to be in and the violence, chaos and abuse I am constantly subjected to.

I was so upset by him screaming at me, for absolutely no reason whatsoever and that is why I threw the glass on the floor. It is unbelievably frustrating living with these people who yell and scream at me, flinging abusive words and actions at me because they cant control their emotions and take out their anger on me.

LayZ boy the malicious idiotic defrauder

When LayZ boy was still living with his wife, he tried to fraudulently get a credit card under her name, but he got caught out when they called her. The idiot gave them his home phone number (maybe it was a requirement) and when she picked up the phone, they asked her about the application, she, of course, had no clue, cancelled it and totally chewed him out for trying to defraud her. He has already applied for bankruptcy on two occasions - he served the waiting period of the first one, then got more credit and applied for bankruptcy again - he had racked up thousands of dollars in debt that he never paid back.

LayZ boy is going to the same thing to our parents. He's looking for a way to steal something from them. He's trying to get their tax file number and other details so that he can defraud them. And when he charges up a huge amount on a credit card, the responsibility will then go on them to pay it off and they're both on a low income, so they wont be able to and they may need to file or bankruptcy and may lose their house. I wouldn't put it past him to do this. He's a desperate person with no money, doesn't work, has a really bad credit rating and is morally bankrupt. He is always looking for a way to scam or steal something.

I am going to have to call one of their friends who I am friendly with, tell him about this incident and get him to talk some sense into our mother, because I am just knocking my head against a brick wall with her, she absolutely wont listen to me. Maybe he will be able to get through to her, make her see that she needs to do something about him before he steals something valuable from them.

LayZ boy went outside to have a cigarette and must have been trying to think of his next move to hurt and antagonise me because he was out there a lot longer than he normally stays out there. When he came back in, he went to the toilet (which is right adjacent to my bedroom, so I hear every noise that goes on in there - yeah, not nice, when he's in there grunting and grunting on purpose like he loves to do) and he flushed it with the side that doesn't work. He knows it doesn't work as he only ever flushes with the side that does flush, so he did it on purpose because when you use the side that doesn't work, it continues to spout water into the toilet non-stop like a continuous flush and of course the noise is irritating, which is why he did it, because of my close proximity to the toilet. Idiot.

I told my step-father when he came home from the pub this evening everything that happened and how LayZ boy swore to God and swore on his mother's name about a lie, so that means you cant believe or trust anything he says, as he has no respect for God, his mother or anyone and will lie about anything, any time.

For once he was in a normal, non-volatile mood and listened to me, shaking his head the more I told him about LayZ boy's deceit and vindictiveness, but he still lumps me in with LayZ boy, saying, "I don't know why you two are like this?" and I told him, "it's not me, it's LayZ boy, he's the one who is lying and behaving obnoxiously, so don't lump me in with him, I am not the one who is sick in the head like him". I also brought the continuously flushing toilet to his attention and let him know that LayZ boy did it on purpose. Step-father just shook his head and said that LayZ boy was an idiot for doing that and asked me if I turned it off. I told him I didn't because I wanted him to hear it. He said he would speak to LayZ boy tomorrow, but undoubtedly LayZ boy will tell him he forgot, which is, of course, a big fat lie! LayZ boy is such a manipulator and his parents play to his music.

LayZ boy is so sick in the head. LayZ boy is malicious and opportunistic, using any opportunity to scam people out of something any time he possibly can. He is a vindictive, deceitful, psychopathic lying piece of shit.

My mother wont see her malicious son for what he is

My mother is so far in denial she wont see what is going on, which means idiot LayZ boy can continue to behave just how he likes without any fear of reprisal.

I just found out that he has been telling our mother that he often sees me in their bedroom (a total lie of course) when they are not home. Not only that, he also told me earlier that our mother told him that she has found some of her documents moved around in her drawers and that she told him she suspected I did it (apparently another lie).  And he swore to God that it was true (again lying and he was swearing to God, but still lying). This means that you cannot trust anything he says, because he is totally deceitful. How far do his lies go?

I asked our mother if she said that to him and she said she didn't. He then said, "Oh that's right, you didn't tell me that, I was just joking to her". Right, so swearing to God that he was telling the truth to me and now he tells me he was joking. How deceitful!

He's been telling our mother that he's seen me in their room to deflect from them thinking it's him who is actually going through their documentation and personal stuff, because our mother has noticed things out of order, like someone has been going through their things (she has a bit of OCD, so she knows when her papers/documents have been moved even a centimetre) and to deflect from her thinking it was him and because he knows she will believe it, he's apparently been telling her he has seen me in her room, so that no blame comes to him when he starts stealing things. God knows what he does when I am not home and he has complete freedom to do whatever he wants.

I told our mother that he "swore to God" and he swore on her life that she told him she suspected me of going through their drawers and that shows he's willing to lie to save his ass. She doesn't want to hear it and told me she thought it was our step-father who must have been going through the drawers. She wont listen to me, turns her back to me when I am asking to listen and then walks away because she is "upset". Like this is all about her, when its me that suffers. She doesn't know to know how sick in the head her son is, she doesn't want to hear that he is invading her privacy and her private documents because she wants to continue in her delusion that he is a "good son". Un-fucken-believable.

This all happened when they were in the family room and I asked her about the conversation she had with LayZ boy about suspecting me of going through their drawers and I told her again that I saw him with my own eyes earlier going through their drawers and he got so upset (I didn't realise it at the time why, but now I know that he was angry that the truth was coming out and he would get caught the deceitful fuckwit). He finally left after she told him to go, but that was not until after he started saying all this crap to me and lying more to try to save his ass.

It's irrelevant though, because our mother does nothing about him. She and my step-father have created a monster in their son. LayZ boy is a pathological liar. He will take start stealing from his parents (he may have already because they have some stuff that he could have sold in their garage and they wouldn't know unless they went through everything and itemised it all).