24 May 2010

LayZ boy the malicious idiotic defrauder

When LayZ boy was still living with his wife, he tried to fraudulently get a credit card under her name, but he got caught out when they called her. The idiot gave them his home phone number (maybe it was a requirement) and when she picked up the phone, they asked her about the application, she, of course, had no clue, cancelled it and totally chewed him out for trying to defraud her. He has already applied for bankruptcy on two occasions - he served the waiting period of the first one, then got more credit and applied for bankruptcy again - he had racked up thousands of dollars in debt that he never paid back.

LayZ boy is going to the same thing to our parents. He's looking for a way to steal something from them. He's trying to get their tax file number and other details so that he can defraud them. And when he charges up a huge amount on a credit card, the responsibility will then go on them to pay it off and they're both on a low income, so they wont be able to and they may need to file or bankruptcy and may lose their house. I wouldn't put it past him to do this. He's a desperate person with no money, doesn't work, has a really bad credit rating and is morally bankrupt. He is always looking for a way to scam or steal something.

I am going to have to call one of their friends who I am friendly with, tell him about this incident and get him to talk some sense into our mother, because I am just knocking my head against a brick wall with her, she absolutely wont listen to me. Maybe he will be able to get through to her, make her see that she needs to do something about him before he steals something valuable from them.

LayZ boy went outside to have a cigarette and must have been trying to think of his next move to hurt and antagonise me because he was out there a lot longer than he normally stays out there. When he came back in, he went to the toilet (which is right adjacent to my bedroom, so I hear every noise that goes on in there - yeah, not nice, when he's in there grunting and grunting on purpose like he loves to do) and he flushed it with the side that doesn't work. He knows it doesn't work as he only ever flushes with the side that does flush, so he did it on purpose because when you use the side that doesn't work, it continues to spout water into the toilet non-stop like a continuous flush and of course the noise is irritating, which is why he did it, because of my close proximity to the toilet. Idiot.

I told my step-father when he came home from the pub this evening everything that happened and how LayZ boy swore to God and swore on his mother's name about a lie, so that means you cant believe or trust anything he says, as he has no respect for God, his mother or anyone and will lie about anything, any time.

For once he was in a normal, non-volatile mood and listened to me, shaking his head the more I told him about LayZ boy's deceit and vindictiveness, but he still lumps me in with LayZ boy, saying, "I don't know why you two are like this?" and I told him, "it's not me, it's LayZ boy, he's the one who is lying and behaving obnoxiously, so don't lump me in with him, I am not the one who is sick in the head like him". I also brought the continuously flushing toilet to his attention and let him know that LayZ boy did it on purpose. Step-father just shook his head and said that LayZ boy was an idiot for doing that and asked me if I turned it off. I told him I didn't because I wanted him to hear it. He said he would speak to LayZ boy tomorrow, but undoubtedly LayZ boy will tell him he forgot, which is, of course, a big fat lie! LayZ boy is such a manipulator and his parents play to his music.

LayZ boy is so sick in the head. LayZ boy is malicious and opportunistic, using any opportunity to scam people out of something any time he possibly can. He is a vindictive, deceitful, psychopathic lying piece of shit.

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