06 October 2010

The lunatic LayZ boy talks to himself all the time

LayZ boy has big mental issues. Really big mental issues.

He quite often sits in his room and talks to himself. It's not like he thinks he is talking to someone else (or maybe he is), it's more like he's talking to himself out loud because he has no-one else to talk to.

LayZ boy talks about nonsensical things.

LayZ boy talks so much nonsense, that even his mother tells him to shut up and stop getting on her nerves.

He continues to refer to the cat as "she" and "her", even though he knows the cat is male. He often calls the cat a "bitch" and tells the cat to "fuck off", especially if the cat doesn't want to stay with him after he has fed the cat. He also tells the cat he hates her (and yet he knows the cat is male).

I think he's using the cat as a substitute for his soon-to-be ex-wife and saying things to the cat, which he would want to say to his soon-to-be ex-wife (he cant handle it that the cat wants to go outside and play after he feeds it, he thinks the cat should stay with him and be grateful for his attention and he constantly calls the cat a bitch when he knows the cat is male). Not that LayZ boy would ever admit he has a problem, but I guess that is why I know definitely he has, when he wont recognise it.

It will be a happy day for me when I move from here and into my own place and never have to see LayZ boy's ugliness (both outer and inner) again.

LayZ boy the vindictive lunatic

LayZ boy has not had a reaction from me for weeks now. And he cant handle it. He continues stomping through the house most days because he wants attention and wants to upset me in some way. Idiotic lunatic!

If he hears that I am outside, he immediately comes outside to have a cigarette, but I hear him most of the time and am already in the sun room before he can light up a cigarette and blow it in my face, the asshole.

Today, unfortunately, I was too slow.

I went outside just before and I called out to the cat.

Very soon after that, while I was playing with the cat, LayZ boy came outside and as soon as I started to walk back inside, he had lit up his cigarette and blow the cigarette smoke on my face.

His mother was there too, but she just stood silently, watering the garden, pretending it wasn't happening. Great way to encourage her lunatic son to keep on behaving this way, just ignore it and therefore he thinks he cant continue to do it, because his mother wont say a word. Even his step-father, the aggressive one that he is, would tell off LayZ boy for doing that. Besides which, LayZ boy wouldn't do it in front of his step-father, for the very reason he would be told off.

I simply cannot believe I am related to idiots such as these two. I simply cannot fathom the depths of their mental illness. They are just very sick people. Very sick.