21 May 2010

Taking antibiotics equals candida proliferation

My immune system is very poor at the moment, so it should come as no surprise that when I take antibiotics, I get a candida infection in my nether regions!

The candida proliferation has been immeasurably itchy and subsequently painful. I just have to start taking antibiotics and I get thrush!

I have been treating it with lemon juice mixed with water, dabbing some cotton wool in the solution and then dabbing the affected area with the moistened cotton wool to get rid of candida fungus, usually once a day, but sometimes twice a day. I used the lemon juice on two days, then I changed it to white vinegar for another two days. I always use gloves when I clean the area, because I don't want to get the candida albicans on my hands.

Today I bought some tea tree oil as that is even more effective in getting rid of the candida albicans fungus than even the vinegar or lemon juice, as it actually kills fungi through it's anti-fungal properties. Tea tree oil also has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties too.

Tonight I applied to slightly diluted tea tree oil to the affected area and it hurt quite a lot (the area is just over-run with the candida), but a few hours later, it seems to have settled down and is less painful. It actually feels a bit better now, not itchy and not painful like it normally does.

I am going to try to sort out this infection by applying the tea tree oil soaked cotton wool twice a day - that should really get rid of the candida while I am on these antibiotics. As I have another week of antibiotics, I need to make sure that I am comfortable while I undergo the antibiotic treatment.

I also bought some probiotic powder to take, so that should help too. I am going to start that tomorrow. I am supposed to take it about 2 hours before or after taking antibiotics, which is fine.

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