13 May 2010

LayZ boy left all of his possessions with his soon-to-be ex-wife

LayZ is such a gigantic fool. He left all of his possessions with his ex-wife HoGirl, because he thinks he can cajole and manipulate her into taking him back.

He got a compensation payment about 2-3 years ago and as soon as he got that and bought her things she wanted (his soon-to-be ex-wife is just as much of an manipulator and liar as he is - you know the saying, birds of a feather, flock together and all that...) and as soon as she spent most of the money, or put it in her bank account (yes, they had separate bank accounts and he put his pay into her bank account each fortnight, he never saw his money, instead, he got an "allowance" from her) HoGirl started telling him he was no longer required in her life and kicked him out a few times, but always let him come back to her. She kicked him out in the past, but he always managed to wheedle his way back in and to get back together. This time though, I think she had someone on the side, so she no longer needed LayZ boy, which is why she hasn't taken him back yet.

Personally, I think she was waiting for his compensation payment to come through, spend all his money and then kick him out.  I predicted it from the moment he got his payment, that she would kick him out, divorce him and take everything.  And that is exactly what is happening! All their furniture, all their mutual possessions remain in their house and LayZ boy got nothing other than his clothes and a few other personal belongings of his own.

How dumb is he that he would not try to contest their possessions so that they can be divided properly? He still thinks that she is going to take him back, that his lying and manipulative behaviour will make her want him back. He, like his mother, is so deluded and doesn't want to know that she has someone else. HoGirl cant be by herself, she is another one who has emotional problems, she also lives totally in deluded land, lies as soon as she opens her mouth and is very fake and manipulative - perfect match for LayZ boy - but alas, they are to be together no more. I think there are only a few more months left in the official year of separation, after which she will undoubtedly file for divorce. I am so glad I never have to associate with that fake, lying, backstabbing HoGirl any more - every birthday and other holiday was a pain having to deal with her and her fake nastiness and dirty looks, then pretending she is all lightness and sweetness when other people were around. Ugh! Good riddance to her!

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