07 July 2010

Didnt get the job - damn

I just found out today that I was "unsuccessful" after my interview for the IT-related job last week. Damn!

While the job did not seem that it was going to be that interesting (they told me it was going to be a lot of "cutting and pasting" and tedious, yet very frantic, busy work), it still meant a huge injection of cash! Damn!

Either I messed up in the interview - I gave them a response about where I didn't do well in the past, but didn't give them a positive outcome for it (stupid I know!) - or my skills made me way overqualified for the role (I have a lot more to offer than just "cutting and pasting") and maybe they thought I would be very bored in a role like this when I usually worked in more senior roles. Or, it could have been a combination of both those reasons.

I have no idea what possessed me to talk about that one negative point without providing a positive outcome. Maybe, after realising the job would be totally boring, I did it subconsciously.

Whatever it was, it was disappointing because of the money factor. Would have solved many of my issues - could have moved away from the house of the lunatic more quickly.

In any case, there is another role which I am going to apply tomorrow, it's of a much longer duration (the one I didn't get was only for four months) and probably paid better. Here's hoping! Keeping my fingers crossed that I at least get an interview, so that I can try to get it - and I certainly wont be talking about my negative points in any interview again. I intend to talk myself up really well!

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