12 June 2010

Violence, abuse and total denial abound

There really is something fundamentally wrong with the mental facilities of all the people in my immediate family - mother, step-father, brother - they do not ever behave like normal people.

I keep telling them I have multiple chemical sensitivities, which means I am allergic to just about everything and cannot tolerate synthetic perfumes/chemicals/cigarettes as my body reacts by making me have severe allergy symptoms, sinusitis, sore head, itchy nose, sore lungs and difficulty breathing.  I have been diagnosed with this condition, so it's not just me saying this without having an official medical diagnosis. But, their son continues to use his strongly perfumed body care and hair care products and tells me to "fuck off" and that he can use whatever he wants and I can just "fuck off" if I don't like it. What an obnoxious infantile idiot he is!

I beseech my parents about giving him alternative products, but they simply wont do anything much about it, when they know what I can/cant use.

Yesterday, again I told my mother she has to give LayZ boy some alternative things to use and not let him use his products and she said something to him (in a very off-handed way), as he was passing through the kitchen and again, he said, "I'll do and use whatever I want do do, she can just fuck off, the loser, fucking idiot". And then he left. What an imbecilic idiot he is huh?  So he knows this stuff makes me sick, but he gives not one iota for my health and then my parents wonder why I avoid him? Geez people, get your heads out of your asses and see reality for a moment!

And because LayZ boy was pissed off with his mother telling him anything about me, he decided to use his products (perfumes, after shave, face creams, whatever) again last night and come into the lounge room (where I was) and start waving around, to try to disperse it through the air to try to make me sick. What a vindictive prick!  I had to leave the lounge room immediately because it was making me ill, even though my nose is still blocked, it still affects me - that's how strong the odour was from his products and that is how sensitive I am.  What an asshole of a person LayZ boy is to purposely do this to make me ill. 

That is my family. And with this non-family I have, I certainly don't need enemies, because they are more than enough to hurt me.

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