12 June 2010

Accusations abound as well as abnormal behaviour from an insane family

On Thursday morning my mother was pissed off because she couldn't find where she put her prescription glasses, some new ones she got from somewhere a few months ago which I really had not seen before.

She told me they were missing and asked me where I put them. What the hell? She (and the others) are always accusing me of things I never do! Idiots!

As if I even knew what glasses she was talking about and as if I would take them anyway! I was really irritated by her false accusations (yet again) and told her neither did I know where they were but I resented her accusations and that she should ask her son where they were or think more clearly about where she misplaced them because I sure as hell didn't know what she was talking about.

She kept insisting, angrily, that I was the only one who could have taken them or moved them! Yeah, right, and that's because I am the only other person living in this house when I am not! Idiot she is!

She kept going on and on at me, telling me it "had to be me" that stole her prescription glasses.

Meanwhile I was trying to make some breakfast and then I realised I had a pair of glasses that I didn't wear in my room, thinking that maybe that was what she was talking about, so I showed them to her. She said that they were not the glasses she was missing, but since those ones were with the other missing ones, I must have taken them! Again insulting me! I told her that I took them from her room with her permission while she was there (and they are my glasses not hers, yet I ask for permission), as if I would take anything else from her room. She kept on insisting and I told her to ask her son or keep looking, because either her son LayZ boy took them or she misplaced them and couldn't remember where.

She also wanted to check my bedroom to make sure I hadn't taken them! The gall of her! She barged in and started looking around. I told her to get out and to stop accusing me of doing something I did not do. She is pissing me off with this obnoxious behaviour of hers. Always blaming me for everything and every time she is wrong because I have never done what she accuses me of doing!  I just cant cope with these idiots!

A little while later, she came back into the kitchen with the prescription glasses, telling me she found them, that they were somewhere else where she didn't search before because she didn't expect them to be there. I told her  to just stop, I didn't care, I didn't want to know and I told her from the start that I didn't take them and she should never have accused me of doing so in the first place. She then had the gall to tell me she never accused me! What the fuck? She is such an obnoxious liar!

I then told her (in very clipped tones) that she did indeed accuse me of stealing her glasses over and over and yet here she is, having found them, now telling me she never accused me of anything. That that was a preposterous, obnoxious and insulting thing for her to deny and that I just didn't want to talk to her any more. Unbelievable! Always bloody lying, Always!

She often misplaces things and doesn't remember where she puts them and accuses me of taking them or moving them and of course I don't. It's just irritating because she gets angry and starts arguing with me about it and then afterwards acts as if she didn't just flagrantly accuse me of stealing her things! It's just ridiculous and outrageous for her to say these things to me!

Then her son's mad behaviour comes to light a short time after that.

While in the kitchen still, I saw LayZ boy outside, with his dark sunglasses on - it's about 5 degrees C outside (and with the wind chill factor, feels more like zero), it's overcast and raining. LayZ boy looks and acts like a mentally deranged person when he wears sunglasses when there is no sun outside, no glare and its raining too! He then wore them inside too - and it's rather dark inside with the darkened sky and no lights, especially in the hallway. He's so abnormal! I commented to my mother that her son LayZ boy is not normal to wear his dark, wrap-around sunglasses outside when its overcast and raining and she responded that "doctors tell you to always wear sunglasses, even if its overcast because of the glare". What glare? It's raining outside, it's not just overcast!  Insane, deluded family! And anyway, he was only walking outside maybe 5 metres at the most and back inside again. He must not have something wrong with his mental facilities (he is sick in the head after all), he's got to have something wrong with his eyes - his smoking must be affecting his circulation to his eyes and they're not functioning properly.

These people are so not normal! In any way, shape or form!

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