12 June 2010

Mother is resolutely in denial that her son is a vindictive person

The idiot LayZ boy walks up and down the hallway and starts whistling in this insane way, just to make sure I know he's walking past. He does it to try to annoy me, but I don't react to him, yet he still does it. In-fucking-sane!

His mother told him to stop whistling while he's in the house, that there's no need for it, yet he continued to do it. She told him again to stop. He responded with: "That's how I whistle". She didn't ask him why he was whistling, she told him she wanted him to stop it, but he wont listen because he knows there are no consequences to his actions.

And the whistling is a just a minor thing he does. When they're not home, he starts banging on the hallway walls, just on the other side of my bedroom, so I can hear him, just to try to annoy me. He starts running up and down the hallway, banging on the wall on the other side of my bedroom, like a total lunatic.  He does this to try to antagonise and upset me. And no matter how little I react (I don't even come out of my room - I either turn up the volume on the TV louder or do nothing), the nutcase continues to do it. He gets bored after a while, but it's like his vindictiveness and viciousness gives him energy to be a total lunatic!

Hi mother on the other hand, wont believe he does things on purpose to antagonise and upset me, so this gives him a free pass to continue it. And when she does say anything minor to him, he acts up even more (like a freaking 5 year old child) and she gives up, so he knows how to get around her so she stops saying anything to him. And because his mother wants to deny that he does anything on purpose and wants to deny he has major mental problems, she lets him get away with his obnoxious behaviour.

Idiots all of them!

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