12 June 2010

Trying to find accommodation somewhere else

I have been trying to find accommodation elsewhere.

I have now got a letter from my doctor stating that I have multiple chemical sensitivities and that the situation in my home is affecting my health.

There is an agency here who can provide housing for people in dire need (like me) as it is really unaffordable to try to live on your own, as rents are so expensive and I cant live with other people because of my severe allergies.

After I saw the doctor yesterday (Friday) afternoon, I went to see the people at the agency, but the woman who I saw before wasn't available, as she is on holidays, so I asked the person at reception if he could get someone else for me because I wanted to see them in private. I wanted to not only tell them about the allergies (that I couldn't live in my present situation because my brother uses products which affect me and that I couldn't go to a refuge because people would be using products that would make me equally allergic), but I also wanted to show the person the video of the violence and abuse that happened here on Tuesday night, when my family were attacking me.

The guy at reception was young and very cute. He remembered me from the last time I was there and again, he was equally helpful - very sweet! He got his team leader out and she took me into a private room where I explained it all to her. I then let her see the video of the violence and she just kept shaking her head - it's horrendous to watch and I cant believe I have been subjected to that crap all my life. She told me that there was not much she could do at this moment (it was late on Friday afternoon and Monday is a holiday) and asked me to call her on Tuesday afternoon and she would see what she could do to try to get me into housing sooner.  I had already been there and I was on the top of the list to get some form of housing (as I had a letter from someone else to tell them about the abuse and violence), but I was not on their priority list, which is for people in really dire need. I think now with the letter from my doctor about my allergies and this video proof, it means I may get something sooner. God I hope so!

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