02 May 2010

Nothing has changed

After the last time I posted, well over 2 months ago, it seems that nothing has changed other than me getting more viral infections and bronchitis.

In regards to the neighbours, my mother went over there the very next day to smooth things over, to do some major damage control, to make them think that I just get upset and scream for no reason and they just try to handle me as best as they can and to convince them that nothing I said to him was true!  How loyal is she to me?  I only found out about it when I saw him outside one day and I was outside and we spoke and when I said something about the situation not improved much, he responded with, "You just don't know what's the truth, who to believe. Your mother says one thing and you say something completely different!" I did tell him that there was no reason for me to make anything up, that there was no reason for me to lie. I don't think he wanted to get further involved than he already had been!

How sucky is that? My mother is more concerned about how people perceive her, my step-father and my brother than about my well-being. She cares more about making people think that everything is hunky dory with them and that I am the one with the problem. She wants to appear blameless and perfect in the eyes of her neighbours and wants to dump all the blame on me by lying about everything to them! By turning me into the villain, she can vindicate herself to everyone and appear blameless.

I am sure she would have told them that she loves me and tries so hard to understand me, but that I yell and scream at her and she just doesn't know why I am so awful to her. And of course, these are all total lies. She plays the role of victim so well because she knows how to lie so well to make people believe in her.

It's appalling to have such people as your close, blood relatives!

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