02 July 2010

The volatility of my step-father rears its ugly head again

Just when I was having a reasonably quiet few days, without any outbursts of anger from the mental family, of course I should have known that it wouldn't last with these people.

I was just in my bedroom and I stepped out to go to the family room to get some water and my step-father was there, on my lounge suite, sitting on there with his perfumed jumper. I said to him, "you know you're supposed to take that jumper off and not sit on the lounge with it, you know how allergic I am."

My step-father takes that as an opportunity to start yelling at me, telling me he doesn't have to take anything off, it's his house, he can do what he wants to do. Then he proceeded to get up and started menacing me, like he wanted to hit me, all the while yelling at me, calling me a "bludger" "lazy", "always sick" and to "piss off".  Just the usual behaviour I get from him.

Then my step-father turns the TV off at the power point and takes the remote controls with him, telling me: "You're not going to watch the TV. So there." And then he wanted to try to put out the fire (in the fireplace), because I was standing there. He also said he was going to turn off the electricity so I couldn't watch anything or have access to the computer.

He is so irrational, that he doesn't realise when he's in his volatile rage that this will all affect him, because when I point it out, he tells me it wont. Yeah, sure it wont. If he turns off all the electricity and how is he going to see?

Then LayZ boy comes in to give his irrational commentary. He yelled at our mother: "If I was smoking marijuana in my room you'd kick me out, so you should kick her out too."  And then the denture-wearing illiterate ignoramus proceeded to tell me I am a "loser". Right. That is (a) such an irrational argument and (b) has absolutely no relevance whatsoever. What a completely ignorant fool he is.

After which, my mother tells me that "it's your fault your step-father got upset".

It's just irrational, illogical and unreasonable, as well as volatile and abusive the behaviour that that these people display, just about all the time.

This is my family. Great bunch they are huh? Not at all, unfortunately!

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