30 June 2010

Trying to decide on a Twitter desktop application

I think it's time for a post on something unrelated to my family!

I have been doing some research on Twitter desktop applications to try to determine which one I want to use. It's got to be free, easy to use and intuitive.

I have tried Tweetdeck and while it seems okay, the dark default background is not really usable for me - I just don't like it. And while you can change the layout to light, it seems a bit cumbersome and clunky. It's not bad. I just want to check out other applications before I make a decision about which one I use.

I am going to test out Hootsuite - that has had very good reviews from a lot of people. I think, from reading about it, that it has a free (and liter application) and one with more features, but which is charged a monthly fee, obviously aimed at businesses with multiple users who need it.

I am also going to test out Seesmic - don't know much about it other than it is a competitor to Tweetdeck with different features.

And lastly, I will also test out Twhirl, which apparently was purchased by Seesmic and which has a more Twitter-like interface, which I may like better.

Will post again after I have tested them all and decide which one I am going to use.

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