30 June 2010

I am starting to feel sorry for LayZ boy

A Cash Cow on the front of Hotel Kaiserworth
in Goslar, Harz, Lower Saxony, Germany
My brother, LayZ boy deserves everyone's pity actually.

He has no life. No life at all. He doesn't work, has no interest in working. He has no friends other than two who have mental deficiencies/handicaps of some sort and are as equally uneducated as him, plus one other friend who, while is not mentally handicapped, is even more ignorant than LayZ boy is. All three of his "friends" are alcoholics.

Then, we have the fact that LayZ boy's wife dumped him as unceremoniously as she did, throwing his belongings into rubbish bins outside, calling his mother to "come and get your son, I don't want him any more". Lovely woman that she is not, LayZ boy's soon-to-be ex-wife. But then again, would a normal, decent, sweet and intelligent woman be able to tolerate someone like LayZ boy? Highly unlikely.

I think LayZ boy is starting to realise his ex has moved on (and probably had even before she kicked him out) and has started playing all these love songs really loudly, to try to ameliorate his bad feelings about being dumped the way he was dumped. Poor bastard. He was so blind, he never realised she took him for all he was worth and now he has nothing.

LayZ boy got an insurance payout about two years ago and I predicted to my parents that she would be dumping him soon after that, but in the meantime, spend and take his money. He was foolish enough to deposit his money into her bank account, not a joint account, but one just in her own name, so in effect he gave away his money to her. What an idiot! I bet he's now regretting it. But then again, given the fact that LayZ boy cant articulate or even acknowledge his feelings he may be trying to avoid thinking about it and that may be why he's playing the love songs so loudly lately!

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