16 June 2010

Sinusitis is getting a little better again today

I have still got the sinusitis, but it is getting slowly better. My voice is still congested and sounds deep and husky, still. But, it is getting better, albeit very slowly.

I am taking the olive leaf extract three times a day and I think that is what is helping me. My blood tests showed that my white blood cells had increased a bit, so that is most likely due to the olive leaf extract, which while it tastes really awful, is actually really excellent for the immune system as it boosts the activity of the white blood cells to make them function better, as well as boosting the actual numbers of white blood cells

I am also taking the iron and will start on the vitamin D and calcium liquid supplement shortly too. While my calcium levels are not low, luckily, given that I am lactose intolerant and don't have much dairy, it probably would be good for me anyway, to have a bit more calcium in my body, to help my bones and body stay healthy. The last blood test showed I was a little deficient in vitamin D, so I do need to supplement that. I haven't been going outside much, the weather has been crap and I feel worse when I got outside, because the cold air adversely affects my sinuses.

When will my life get better?

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