16 June 2010

The cat did a pee in their bedrooms - on their beds and the floor

I have been saying for a while now that karma will get those people in my family who have been abusive, volatile and violent to me. Well, karma is paying them back.

This morning, the idiots didn't take care of the cat properly, closed the hallway door while they were all in the kitchen and left the cat to roam around crying, needing to go to the toilet, but without access to his kitty litter. So what is a poor cat to do? He goes to the toilet where he can. He did a big pee on my parents bed and it also must have gone on the floor too, plus he did another pee in my brother, LayZ boy's room too.

Sucked in to them!

Cats pee stinks so bad, especially from the male cats. For some reason male cats pee is so unbelievably smelly.

I was in my bedroom when all of this happened, but I didn't know about it as I was asleep at the time.

They found the cat and started yelling, which is when I woke up. Then my brother LayZ boy tells my mother: "See, I told you, you should have let the cat stay outside. This never would have happened if the cat was outside." Then my step-father gets into it and starts yelling at the "stupid cat" and telling her that the cat has to go outside and he's kicking it out now. I couldn't get out there fast enough because he let it out. Then LayZ boy continues talking to himself as he walks past the hallway, saying: "I knew I was right. The cat must go outside, it should never have stayed inside. See, I am always right." He kept saying this to himself over and over, like a litany of sorts. What a fucking lunatic! Insanity!

Now the cat still has a sore paw, he is still injured, he still cant walk on it and the vet has recommended it stay inside till that paw heals because it cant get worse if it goes outside. The vet thinks he may have broken his paw or sprained it, so he cant walk on it until it heals and that's not for another few weeks. They have been told to keep the cat inside to prevent it from using that paw and damaging the paw further. But do they listen?

But do these idiots have any sense? Of course not. There are other cats outside, their cat is not de-sexed, so he fights other cats, they have all these hidey-holes and space under the sunroom which is open and easily accessible with all of their junk under there, that the cat can get into trouble.

Then when I asked my mother why the cat was outside, she replied: "He escaped." That was an outright lie, yet again from the liar! I told her that I heard exactly what happened and that they were such idiots to let out an injured cat outside when he could hurt himself even more. She told me: "Mind your own business, it's our cat and we can do whatever we want." And of course my step-father told me to, "go back to bed, why don't you. The cat is staying outside. I don't care what you think, so piss off." What ludicrous idiocy!

I just cannot comprehend the insanity of people like them. They take no responsibility for anything and just lash out at everyone and everything that they think has less power than them (that is mainly me). They are so deluded and do not deserve to have any pets because they cannot take care of them properly.

Anyway, this is part one of the divine retribution they are going to get. There is no way that karma ain't coming for those three imbeciles for doing what they are doing to me.

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