16 June 2010

New place to live isnt happening fast enough

I have tried to call that woman from the agency to help me find cheap accommodation, but every time I try to call her, she is not picking up her phone - it goes to voicemail!


She told me to call her yesterday afternoon and I did, but she wasn't there. I tried earlier today, again, she wasn't there and I got the voicemail again.

I just want to get out of here, out of this hell house and the sooner I can leave, the better it will be for me.

It's so bad for my health - mental, physical, emotional, spiritual - to continue living here!

Once I get out of here, I can start healing properly from the pain of the abuse I have been subjected to.

The problem with accommodation here is that everything is unbelievably expensive to rent on your own. And if it's cheap, it's still a lot more than I can afford, given that I am not working at the moment and am depending on Government assistance for the money I get.  Anything I can rent would eat up almost the whole amount of the money I get - then I would have no money for food, electricity, phone bills, all of that would create over $150 worth of debt each week. It's too much.

I cant share with anyone, because I am so damn allergic to everything. How easy would it be to find someone who doesn't use perfume/aftershave/deodorant/shampoo/face care/cosmetics/cleaning products/laundry products that are not going to make me ill? Not easy at all and I probably wouldn't be able to find it. So while it would be cheaper to share, I cant. I have severe allergies, which is due to the multiple chemical sensitivities I have.

So basically I am stuck between a rock and a hard place and it's so difficult.

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