17 June 2010

My mother's insane thoughts

My mother loves to say, "God will punish" XYZ for whatever imagined wrong they have done to her.

So, today, I decided to use her own line against her. I told her that the cat peeing on her bed was not only divine retribution but that "God was punishing" all three of them for being so awfully abusive to me.

She got really pissed of by that, because, I guess, the truth does hurt. She knows she has been a total bitch to me, she knows her husband has been a total prick to me and she knows her son has been a total asshole to me, so the cat peeing in their room wasn't anything I did, or encouraged, he just managed to do it on his own. That cut her bad.

That set her off telling me what a terrible daughter I am (yes, she is that deluded to tell me I am a bad person, because I tell her the truth about how abusive she, her husband and son LayZ boy are and she doesn't like it, so she attacks me and enables her son LayZ boy and husband to physically assault me, then lies to the police about it) and that every single thing is my "fault". She blames everything (and what is everything anyway?) on me. She continued to tell me how terrible I am and that I deserved to be hit by her husband and my brother LayZ boy.

I told her to just stop it and leave me alone, that I didn't want to hear any more of her nonsense.

She then started threatening to cut off my Internet connection. Basically because she felt so defensive and upset that I used her own words back to her and she did not like it one bit, she wanted to "punish" me, so she wanted to do what she could to take whatever she could that is important, away from me. She does this because I told her that she, her husband and son LayZ boy are getting paid back, in a small way by the cat peeing in their bedrooms. That is enough for her to go ballistic and to start yelling at me and threatening me. That of course, makes me defensive, so I told her that everyone they know is going to see their vile behaviour in the video I took of their violence and abuse. That set her off even more to say ridiculously mean things to me.

And when I walk away to go to the laundry and do something productive (like laundering my dirty clothes), because I don't want to get caught up in her nonsense, she starts telling me, "Yeah that's right, walk away when you know you're wrong."  I started yelling back, telling her that I wasn't wrong, I had proof of their vile behaviour and it was always them who were lying. She started threatening again, so I just started repeating over and over again, really loudly, to drown her voice, "I have the video and everyone will see how vile you three are."  Finally she walked away and left me in peace to do the laundry.

These people are insanity personified!

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