15 June 2010

Idiotic, ignorant, stupid family that I have

These people who call themselves my family are beyond idiotic, beyond ignorant and beyond stupid.

They seem to think that because they cant smell something, therefore I cannot either and therefore, it's all my head, that I am not allergic to anything and I am lying. It is completely infuriating to deal with idiots like them.

I keep trying to reason with them, by telling them that they don't have severe allergies, they don't get sinusitis, they don't sneeze at dust, they don't have hay fever, like me, so how are they in a position to tell me what I can or cant be allergic to? They continue to deny that there is an issue.

They all know I have multiple chemical sensitivities, that I am highly allergic and cannot be around anyone with lots of perfumed products anywhere on their body because my immune system over-reacts and I get major allergic symptoms, which make me feel like shit. And I cant take conventional medicines because I get really bad side effects from them, so I am totally stuck feeling like crap because the idiots wont listen and respect my illness and show some compassion and kindness to me. I know, it's too much to ask for, from ignorant idiots like them.

It's my mother who is a total and utter bitch. My idiot brother LayZ boy does things to be vindictive and retaliatory, by spraying himself with every perfumed product he has and parading up and down the hallway, leaving his room open so the aroma can pervade the whole area (towards my bedroom) and she simple refuses point blank to recognise that he's doing things on purpose because he knows I will get sick and then she tells me she cannot smell anything, so therefore there is no smell. She's lying. And because of this, it gives that vindictive fucking asshole of a brother LayZ boy permission to keep doing it, because his mother wont do anything to stop him. And of course I just get sicker. God help me! And I am not even religious, but I need someone to help me!

I showed two of the videos of the night they were being abusive a week ago to this woman I know who owns a small store and she was absolutely shocked. She couldn't stop shaking her head and her mouth was totally agape, as she was shocked, beyond words. I have told her how horrible they are to me, but a video image of the actual situation is far more effective at showing the disgusting reality and is more shocking because of its intense abuse and violence. I said to her, "See what kind of family I have?" and she responded with, "It's not a family." No kidding! No-one should have to put up with he violent and abusive crap I have had to put up with, ever. It's totally and utterly disgusting!

The more people that see how disgusting my family, the more people that can see their vile behaviour, the better I will feel, because then they will know what kind of shit I have been subjected to all these years from the violent, volatile and abusive idiots!

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