22 June 2010

I am so sick and so congested

Last night when I was exposed to LayZ boy's highly perfumed products (with girly, flowery perfume), I couldn't stop coughing non-stop for about 20 minutes, which is the reason why my diaphragm was convulsing in paroxysms and hurting me. Even the back of my tongue got sore, because I was coughing so violently.

My throat is so congested and my voice sounds so deep again, almost like I cant talk properly because the congestion has affection me bad - both from my lungs and also my sinus passages.  The cough is like the one that a person with asthma gets - very dry, very audible and very painful.  I felt so sick and terribly upset that he would do something like that on purpose and then tell me to "fuck off". What a brother huh? What a piece of shit, more like it.

The idiot LayZ boy knows not to use his stuff, because it makes me ill. So what happens, nothing. I just get really sick, he gets a free pass to continue to do what he wants and he is abusive to me in the process by telling me to "fuck off, this is my house too, I live here so I can do what I want". Yes, of course you can, you nasty vindictive piece of shit, when you know that it's going to make me ill.

He has been told that his perfumed products make me very sick, but he doesn't give a damn and in fact wears them more to hurt me more, because he knows it will make me ill as it is his prime object is to "get me" for whatever goes on in his deluded mind. That is one sick, psychopathic person he is.

Imagine having a family like this. Imagine them purposely doing whatever they can to hurt you - with their actions and their words. Imagine how you would feel to have this shit. Lucky I am a strong person who more fortitude than they think.

I am the one who is going to survive out of this and I will find my way out and I will be free of their terror.

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