22 June 2010

LayZ boy bought even more perfumed products

LayZ boy wearing his sunglasses inside the house, the  lunatic that he is
This evening, because LayZ boy was feeling resentful of the fact that I was paying him absolutely no attention and just completing ignoring him for the main part, he decided to have a shower again, only 2 days after his last one - that is so unusual for him, as he normally does not shower very much, usually only once a month. And he purchased really strongly smelly, very highly perfumed with strong synthetic girlie perfumed soaps, shampoo and conditioner.

The smell was so strong, it pervaded through the house and even my volatile step-father told him that it was too strong.

So imagine that, he didn't like the smell, whereas I get adversely affected by it, even by just brief exposure, because I have multiple chemical sensitivities, so you can imagine what it did to me.

I was only in the hallway to go to the kitchen very briefly and because the odour was that strong, it made me cough so badly, that I was not only convulsing, but also dry retching, because my diaphragm was in paroxysms and hurting so much. My lungs started to get really tight, it hurt to breath and my nose, eyes and face got so itchy and everything was painful. I started getting such a runny, yet blocked nose, where so much mucous started to build up and while I blew out heaps of it in a tissues, there was still more.

I made myself a hot cup of spicy lentil soup (the spices were good for reducing the severe inflammation I was suffering) and just before that had some magnesium supplement, which helped to reduce the spasms in my diaphragm and lungs.

Then, I told my mother that her idiot son LayZ boy should not be using perfumed products like that because she could hear and see what it was doing to me, just being exposed to it very briefly. She told me that it was his aftershave (because that's what he told her and she knows it isn't, but she continues to lie to me) and when LayZ boy walked into the kitchen, he told me to "fuck off, I live here and can use whatever I want to use". What a fucking asshole piece of shit.

He couldn't handle the fact that for days now he's been using more perfumed products and while I have been telling him and his idiotic bitch of a mother about it, I have stayed mainly in my bedroom, so I haven't been affected by it so much. So, because I was singing yesterday and today and because LayZ boy is a vindictive, nasty, useless piece of shit, he decided he would try stronger perfumed stuff to really "get me".

I have to get out of here right as soon as I can. Their totally and blatant disrespect and abuse on all levels is too much to bear. I cant keep getting sick all the time because of those assholes. It's ridiculous that I have to be treated in such an obnoxious manner by people who are not good enough to wipe the dirt from my shoes!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you poor thing! I hope you're feeling better now.
