04 May 2010

They're back and the insanity starts again

Unfortunately the respite from the manic behaviour did not last too long. My mother and LayZ boy came back early this afternoon and boy did I know about it!

My mother is upset and pouring her angst in an angry way to my step-father in the sun room. She must have argued with her half-sister (my aunt), as per usual and it must have been nasty, as per usual. So now she is at home rehashing everything to my step-father, telling him how awful and mean her sister was and how she was faultless in it all, yet somehow I doubt that!

Meanwhile, my brother Lazy-B is in his bedroom talking to himself. He's talking about what he is doing as he is doing it, "Now I am turning on the television and I am going to watch something before I put on the video. Then I'll watch the new videos I have before they have to go back to the rental store. Oh, what's this, my writing pad - let me see what else I have underneath it" and he kept on going on with the self-talk for a while in his bedroom. Obviously our mother must have been talking angrily about the experience while they were driving back home and because my brother cant process his feelings (as he is not mentally well), he has to self-soothe by talking to himself about things that are totally unrelated to the experience that has upset him.

The issue with my mother and her sister has been going on a long time.  My mother feels as though her mother (my maternal grandmother) favours her sister over her (sounds familiar doesn't it?) and feels resentful towards her sister. Her sister on the other hand is just as stubborn and wont give in either and is rude and nasty back to her. So there you have it - two stubborn women who wont give in and wont try to get along, most of the time. Now add a very resentful and really nasty ex-wife (my brother's), who absolutely hates my mother and also me, by extension and who has done everything she could to malign both of us to my aunt, which she knows will only make things worse between my aunt and my mother. What other kind of woman would marry someone like my mentally unwell brother than someone who is also really not normal herself? The ironic thing is that LayZ boy's ex-wife is very much a deluded woman, she lies as much as she breathes and she is unbelievably fake - she'll be so nice to you in front of your face, but behind your back, she's just say bitchy things about you. She doesn't understand how to communicate with people so she has to bitch about them behind their back.

I left soon after they came home as I didn't want to hear my mother's angry voice and I didn't want to encounter LayZ boy either. I had an appointment to go to anyway, so it was an opportunity to leave without dealing with either of them.

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