05 May 2010

Some more of my mothers delusions

On two occasions recently my mother has suggested I take my brother for a drive somewhere and have a nice chat with him. She said it would be nice if we, brother and sister could spend some quality time together like that.

Each time she said it, I just looked at her in complete amazement that her delusions would make her say something as insane as that.It's unfathomable to me that she is so deep in her delusions that she cant seem to understand that ours is not a "happy family" and that it never has been and that something like that will not work.

The idiot brother of mine, when he sees me, either tells me "fuck off" or "you fucking loser" or he sticks up his finger to me and gives me "the bird", with his middle finger. And if I try to talk to him, he tells me to "get lost". That is the person I am supposed to talk to to try to ask him to come with my anywhere?  She is kidding!

Even when I have tried to be nice him in the recent past, by asking him if he wanted food or telling him I closed up the chicken pen, he just grunts at me from his closed bedroom door, but only after I knock many times because at first he does not even deign to respond. Oh yes, he is such a normal person and the "suggestion" my mother made is so feasible and sensible. Totally not!

I told my mother that first of all he wears strong perfume and I cant tolerate it in the house where doors are open, nevertheless in an enclosed space like the car, which will just make it hard for me to breathe and secondly, he is an obnoxious asshole who takes great pleasure in antagonising, hurting and insulting me every chance he can get. I then told her I didn't know what planet she was living on, but it wasn't planet reality. Each time I then walked out of the room where she decided to accost me with this "suggestion".

I just kept shaking my head at this major delusion of hers. She will not see the reality and that is the issue here. She is responsible for keeping him behaving the way he behaves because she does not set up any boundaries (never has) for him, she does not apply any consequences to his actions and she allows him to get away with basically anything he does. Then she lays the blame all on me for everything, she continues to defend him and that just makes him behave even worse because he knows he can get away with anything as she will protect him. I am in such an unenviable position here.

How dare she lay all the responsibility on me. How dare she try to make it all about me. How dare she try to make it look like if I just took him aside, that is all it would take to make him behave normally and of course that puts all the blame and onus on me!  She is some piece of work that mother of mine! And I refuse to buy into her mad delusions any more.

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