05 May 2010

Reconnection with an online colleague from the past

Yesterday I checked one of my email accounts that I hadn't checked in a while (about a year actually) and noticed that I had an email there from an online colleague that I connected with last year but I hadn't heard from in a while.

I thought maybe he got offended by something I said and just decided to stop communicating with me, but that wasn't the case at all. Apparently he sent me an email as usual, but it got bounced, telling him I had banned his IP (I hadn't) and then he tried at another email (this is the one I found the other day) as he thought I had felt offended by him. I could tell this by the way he phrased his email - telling me that if I didn't want to talk to him any more, then good luck with my life. Obviously he wrote that because he didn't hear from me and thought I was not interested in communicating with him any more.
I got confused at first with the date of the email as it had May, then I realised it was from May 2009, a whole year ago! What a surprise, but a nice surprise.

I sent him an email back telling him that I just found his email and that I couldn't believe I never saw it before that I didn't understand why I never heard back from him but that someone else was having issues with my email account recently too. He replied back today and showed me the error message he got with the bounced email. He also said that he was a bit miffed because he wanted to share his experience about being in Europe with me, but wasn't able to. So weird that it happened like that!

At least now there is another person I can talk to, albeit online, so it's all good.

I know him as he is the technical contact and we struck up a friendship after I contacted him with some technical questions, discovering that we are both from the same country of origin and speak the same native language and have similar personality traits.  He's both left and right brained (creative and logical) like me and that is so nice to find as it means it's someone who understands me a lot. Most people are either strongly creative or strongly logical, but not equally strongly both, so they have very different perspectives to me. It's nice when I meet people (even in the virtual world) that are similar to me, as it means they understand me and it means I can have intellectual discourse with them, but also discuss creative endeavours too.

It will be a nice reconnection as he's got a lot in common with me and he seems like a nice person.

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