08 May 2010

My step-father and his mean words to me

Earlier this afternoon, I went inside the chicken enclosure to give them some chia seeds I had, which had gone out of date. My step-father also came in after me to check their eggs (to see if they hatched any and to take them inside) and he immediately, upon seeing me with the packet tells me I am a "stupid idiot" for giving the chickens more food because "cant you see, they already have a lot". Yes I could see, but I was only giving them a handful, to see if they liked it.

He went out and left the enclosure door open and I said to him: "You know you left the door open and that means the chickens can get out. And you call me an idiot?" He told me to close it. He could see that I was busy and further away from the door than me, but he seems to think it's my responsibility to close doors he opens because he takes no responsibility for anything at all. So he came back and closed the door when I told him I couldn't do it, albeit complaining about me being "so lazy", as if it was my fault that the door was open anyway! There is something wrong with his mental state.

Later I went inside to the sun room with the cat who wanted to eat something (despite me telling them that they need to feed him only twice a day, they all over-feed him and so now he's getting a bit fat and always hungry), so instead I distracted the cat with a fly swatter, he was chasing it and trying to grab it from me. The cat got so hot and sweaty his paw pads were moist, just from a little bit of running around and that is because he's a little overweight.

Anyway, my step-father asked me to give him something to snack on and I went to the kitchen and brought back some hazelnut wafer wedges and gave him some. He wanted to eat more but I told him that he couldn't eat more as it was close to his dinner time and needed to have enough space for his dinner. He agreed with me.

A little while after that, he started a rant, which went basically like this:

Step-father: Why don't you find yourself a place to live somewhere else - there are plenty of flats here.
Me: There are not that many places as there is a housing crisis here and those apartment that are available are like $300 a week to rent and I cant afford it given that I don't work.
Step-father: Well get a job and you'll be able to afford it.
Me: Do you not realise that I am sick and that its difficult for me to find a job?
Step-father: You're always sick, you're not good for anyone, you're finished, you are finished, sleep all day and do nothing, you lazy bludger, you're no good for anyone or anything.

And on and on he continued in this manner, meanwhile laughing at me while I walked to my bedroom and locked the door so I couldn't hear him any more. He always mocks me, it seems to be his hobby to mock and degrade me.

My step-father simply does not know how to have a normal conversation with me. Every time we talk it always ends up with him saying something mean or nasty to me or mocking me in some way and of course he laughs at me thinking to himself how funny he is. I should know by now that he cannot be civil towards me, after years of this way that he behaves towards me. But for some reason, I am always eternally hopeful that one day he will do something to surprise me, to treat me with respect and decency. Always hopeful, but it never happens.  You would think I would learn, but no, I keep trying so hard, but alas only to fail every time.

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