08 May 2010

My mother and her lies and put downs

I only realised late last night that I forgot to return a book (I saw this when I looked at my account online) and as I didn't get out of bed until 12.30pm and I was feeling unwell and as public transport runs only once an hour and because I don't feel that well, I hoped that since she was going to the same place, she could return them for me.

When I saw that my mother was going to the shops, I asked her if she would return two library books for me (she was going to the same place and it wasn't at all a convenience) but she told me she wouldn't do it as she was not going in the same vicinity. The conversations went basically like this:

Me: Are you going to the shops?
Mum: Yes I am, why?
Me: Can you please return some books to the library for me?
Mum: I am not going to those shops, I am going somewhere else. I am not going shopping.
Me: Why did you say you were going to the shops then? Where are you going?
Mum: It doesn't matter where I am going, so don't worry about it.
Me: Come on Mum, you're going to the shops here and it's not a big deal for you to return those books.
Mum: Why cant you return them?
Me: Because I only realised last night that they are late and if I catch public transport, it goes every hour so I have to wait there for an hour and I don't feel that well.
Mum: Well you should have thought of that when you decided not to pay for registration for the car.
Me: But it's not my car and I don't drive it much, so I shouldn't be responsible for registration.
Mum: Well you drive it so you have to pay for registration.
Me: It's not my car and I drive it like once a week, if that otherwise I catch the bus and only because I am sick.
Mum: Well if you paid for registration, you would have the car right now.
Me: Can you just tell me if you're going to take these books to the library? If not, then I have to find out what time the bus comes so I can go.
Mum: Okay, I'll take them, but this is the last time. I don't care if you're sick next time, take them yourself. And pay for registration so you can drive the car.

So you can see, she lies to me, tries to tell me it's my fault for not paying for registration for a car I don't use much and then begrudgingly takes the books as if she is doing me a huge favour and that I must do as she tells me. And she tells me its my responsibility to pay for the registration of a car that is not mine and that I don't own nor drive every day (my step-father drives it every day). If they just asked me for a small contribution, then that would be okay with me, but not to pay for the whole fee.

How stupid of me to ask her to do something so simple for me. She always acts so put upon whenever I ask her to do anything for me, as if I am asking for some huge favour that is going to take all of her energy and time to accomplish. She never behaves this way about anything anyone else ever asks her to do - just me. Maybe that's because she is always upset with me. Yet, whenever she asks me to do anything, she expects me to do it immediately and if I don't, she gets all upset with me.  It's just total unfairness. She just doesn't want to do anything for me, ever.

It's just so tiring having to deal with her.

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