31 January 2010

Another day in hell

Another day with the hell family.

My step-father and brother were in the sun room and I came out to show my step-father a gossip magazine with actors and my brother LayZ boy starts yelling at me and telling me what an "idiot" I am, how "stupid" I am, that I am "unmarried" and a "loser" just because I am talking to my step-father who is enjoying my conversation. 

My step-father told my brother to stop all of his ranting and raving, several times, but my brother continued to say his crap over and over again.  My brother cant handle it if I talk to my step-father because it means that he wont get on my brother's little bandwagon of lies, so that's why he lashes out at me.  So vindictive and childish. Unbelievable!

Now these comments from my brother are rather richly ironic, considering I am the educated one, I am the successful one (probably not so much at the moment, but that's a different story), I am single by choice right now and in any case, it's my brother who failed miserably at his marriage, to the point where his wife dumped all of his clothes in garbage bags into his car and changed the locks so he couldn't come back inside. She dumped him so unceremoniously and he's cut and taking it out on me. His wife told him that he she couldn't take any more of his abusive and aggressive behaviour.

My brother, LayZ boy is a drug addict, he's addicted to the pain medication Oxycontin (also known as "Hillbilly Heroine") and is really more angry than ever. And he still behaves like he's an errant 5 year old brat whose mother never taught him any boundaries, so now he does whatever he wants with her permission (explicit and complicit).

The argument, which I have on video/sound culminated with me telling my brother that I recorded him the other day saying to me, "You want me to hit you again"... and that's when he got really irate and really angry. Starting calling me a "fucking cunt", "slut", "loser", "bitch", "not married slut" and on and on, really angry. I stayed quite a way away from him, ready to lock the door on my study if he suddenly lashed out at me, like he is wont to do at times.

My mother defends him completely, she even says that my brother does nothing wrong and that everything is all my fault. That I am the one who starts everything that I am the one who causes arguments.  She wont see that it's LayZ boy my brother who is always at fault, but she wont see what is really going on because she doesn't want to acknowledge anything negative about her son. She refuses to see him for what he is. This also means she totally condones his violent abusive behaviour towards me and he knows it, the cunning sly person that he is.

As far as my mother is concerned, it is my fault that my brother started saying these hateful things to me, because I went into the sun room to talk to my step-father, so I have only myself to blame for my brothers' vitriol. He didn't do anything wrong, apparently I did for walking in there. See how deluded she is? 

I completely ignore my brother, don't talk to him at all, don't acknowledge him at all.  Yet, he finds ways to irritate and annoy me, to try to elicit some sort of reaction from me because he knows that I will get all upset and tell him to stop (he does it to get me to get upset) and then he'll go to my mother and say to her, "see, she's yelling at me, I didn't do anything to do".  It's a lie, of course, but because he's so good at manipulation, she believes him. She believes everything he says to her.

I am so sick of these mentally sick, abusive people. They drain my energy and make me feel bad every day.

1 comment:

  1. Gee, that sounds like such a difficult situation you're in. Your family sound like a nightmare. I hope you get out of there soon!
