05 June 2010

Really bad, virulent flu infection is finally getting better

I have been feeling so sick since Saturday - that is just about a week of feeling so miserable and ill.

I got a really bad, virulent flu infection that had me laid down low in bed for the best part of this week!

The lovely flu virus (whatever strain it was) caused me to have: fever and chills, runny nose, inflamed sinuses (sinusitis), blocked sinuses, headache, sore throat, lethargy, cough, aching bones and muscles.

The coughing was so bad, my diaphragm started convulsing from the severity of the coughing. It almost felt like I couldn't breathe properly, because once I started coughing, I couldn't stop.

The coughing started on Wednesday night and I went to hospital, but after an hour and half of sitting in the waiting room, feeling worse by the minute, I decided to go home because while I was there, only three people had been called in and when I asked at reception, there were still three people ahead of me, so that meant it would take at least another hour and half of sitting there at least (so three hours in all) before I was even seen by the doctor. I couldn't wait that long any more. I decided to go home and take my chances - I would see a doctor the next day instead.

I saw a doctor on Thursday who told me that I had the flu, but now I had a cold. How does the flu virus suddenly morph into a cold virus? I thought that you had the flu and it got better after a week or so of bed rest, fluids, herbal tea and steam inhalation. Doctors! Some of them have no clue, whatsoever!

I felt very weak and lethargic driving to the doctors on Thursday, I didn't have much energy and felt like falling asleep while I was driving. I just wanted to close my eyes, but I didn't. After seeing the doctor, who told me my lungs were clear as was my throat (yet I was so sick), I went to the chemist to get some herbs and vitamins to treat my symptoms. I bought some olive leaf extract syrup (it has known and potent anti-viral properties), some cold and flu vitamins, as well as some honey and lemon lozenges to ease my sore throat.

In addition to this, I had been blowing the junk out of my nose every day, with my sinuses so totally inflamed and hurting, that even my upper teeth started hurting too!

My nasal passages are still inflamed and my voice still reflects the congestion in my upper and lower respiratory systems - it is so husky and deep, one week into having this flu, but at least after taking the supplements from Thursday, my symptoms have improved dramatically!  I went from not being able to sleep much, having lots of head and sinus pain, coughing as if I was about to cough up my lungs, to feeling a lot better.  I am not 100% recovered, but I am much better than I was yesterday morning, so if I continue taking these supplements, I should improve over the next few days.

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