05 June 2010

My step-father is violent, volatile and sick in the head

There is really something wrong with my step-father's mental facilities. Seriously wrong.

Just after dinner, I quickly left the family room to go to the toilet and when I came back, he was taking my plate away, telling me how much of a "lazy bludger" I was for leaving my plate there. I told him I just went to the bathroom and was going to rinse my plate when I came back (less than a minute later), he still continued to call me a "lazy bludger". As if my presence back in the room less than a minute later was an insult to him, because it proved him wrong, but he didn't want to admit it! The idiot!

A short while after that, he started to wash the dishes. He then started complaining really loudly what a "lazy, son-of-a-bitch, dirty bludger" I was because he seemed to think I emptied the pan with the herbs I had used for steam inhalation into the sink. Of course I didn't do that, my mother did, but of course he wouldn't believe me when I told him I did not. And in any case, it's not something to get that upset about. He was acting like someone spilled their shit in the sink and he had to clean it up. It was just some wet herbs, for God's sake!

I went to the lounge room where my mother was and told her to tell him to stop accusing me of doing something I didn't do and to stop yelling at me, for no reason! She said she did it, but the idiot, obnoxious, volatile step-father wouldn't take her word and started yelling at me even more loudly, telling me that he was going to "watch me" from now, in case I threw herbs in the sink in future.

Of course it upset me, because he just continues to say really horrible things to me, saying that I am "good for nothing" and "lazy" and "shit" and just yelling at me. He then even started yelling at my mother too, telling her to "fuck off". He was upset that he was proved wrong and got even more mad that he was wrong for yelling at me, so he continued to yell at me more!

And he continued to yell, to no-one, because he was by himself in the kitchen, for over 1/2 an hour, complaining bitterly about everything. When my mother went in there to see what he was complaining about, one of the things was a bowl of cut up cabbage leaves (the end bits that I don't eat) that was going to the chickens in the morning, he was upset that it was on the sink because it was bothering him! And even when I coughed a few times from the other room, he started complaining about my coughing, as if I was putting it on or something when I am not yet recovered. What a foolish idiot he is!

He is getting more and more volatile and sick in the head.

All he ever does is yell, complain and yell some more. There is absolutely no reason for it. He is a sick man!

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