04 July 2010

Felt good after having a mini makeover this week

I had a job interview last week, so I decided to do a bit of an overhaul of my look. The interview was okay. The people who interviewed me seemed really nice, easy going. I wouldn't mind getting the job.

Prior to the interview, I was worried about whether or not the people interviewing me would be wearing strong perfumes given that we would be in a small enclosed room, but thankfully they did not. And neither did I smell any strong perfumes anywhere in the area either, so that was good.

I cut and coloured my hair, plucked my eyebrows (so girly I am) and styled my hair really nicely in a way that really suited my face (I know how to make myself look good when I need to).

I haven't done anything to my hair in months, so this cut and colour really helped to give it more life and bounciness. It just looks really nice now and I no longer look like a completely invisible person like I felt before. I haven't been feeling well, so I hadn't felt the need to do anything to enhance my appearance for months.

When I was parking at the interview location, a man who was with a group of people just kept on looking at me and it took me some moments to realise that he was looking at me because I looked nice! In addition to that, when I went to a specialist store, one of the guys who runs it also couldn't stop looking at me - it was hilarious that I grabbed his attention like that, when he barely noticed me before! I haven't had any type of male attention lately, so I forgot what it was like!

I'll find out about the interview this coming week. The recruitment consultant said she would contact the client on Monday (tomorrow) to check up on how they are going to proceed - whether or not they will offer the job to me. Hopefully I will get it, because that means I will be able to then easily afford to rent my own place away from the crazy family I have and have the space and peace of mind I need to feel really good again.

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