04 July 2010

Expensive to live in Australian cities

It costs a lot to live in some cities in Australia.

And if you don't work, you're screwed because the amount of money the government gives you in benefits, doesn't even cover your rent, even with a rent subsidy.

Probably the three most expensive cities to live in Australia, if you're looking at rent costs or the cost the buy a house are Sydney, Canberra and Perth.

According to Mercer Human Resource Consulting, which looks at things like rent, transportation, food, clothing, household goods and entertainment, Sydney is one of the most expensive cities to live in the world - it ranks at number 17 most expensive in 2006.

In April 2010, RP Data, the main provider of property information and analysis in Australia,  listed Canberra as the most expensive city to buy a house, with Sydney extremely close behind for the first quarter (Jan-Mar) in 2010.

According to RP Data, the median house prices  in Australia at May 2010 were:

Sydney - $517,250
Canberra - $508,400
Darwin - $481,775
Melbourne - $480,000
Perth - $475,000
Brisbane - $445,000
Adelaide - $387,500
Hobart - $340,000

There is not much difference between the median (average) housing prices in Sydney and Canberra - about $9,000.

Additionally, according to Bloomburg Business Week, the most expensive city in Australia in 2010 was Canberra (previously it was ranked at number 149), which is the capitol of Australia and has a population of around 400,000.  Sydney, the largest city in Australia, with a population of over 4.4 million was ranked at number 30. This ranking was conducted by ECA International, a global human resources company.
"ECA’s ranking is based on a basket of 128 goods that includes food, daily goods, clothing, electronics, and entertainment, but not rent, utilities, and school fees, which are not typically included in a cost-of-living adjustment."

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